Clayton Calling the Shots: Real Talk Town Hall
By Staff Report | The Atlanta Voice
Clayton County Public Schools is proud to present the “Clayton Calling the Shots: Real Talk Town Hall” on Wednesday, November 10, 2021, to the Clayton County Community! Designed to engage community members of all ages in real dialogue surrounding COVID-19 and its impact on the Clayton County Community, this event will begin at 6:00 p.m
To be held virtually and streamed live via the Clayton County Public Schools website, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube platforms, the “Clayton Calling the Shots: Real Talk Town Hall” will feature local medical experts such as Dr. Olatanwa Adewale – Clayton County Health District District Epidemiologist, and Dr. Sudha Reddy – Chief Medical Officer of Clayton County Fire and Emergency Services.
In addition, this event will feature CCPS district leaders inclusive of Dr. Morcease J. Beasley- Superintendent/CEO, Dr. Sandra Nunez – Deputy Superintendent of Student Support Services, and Dr. Angela Horrison-Collier, Director of Student Services.
All stakeholders are invited to join us for a real talk on COVID-19 & its impact on the Clayton County Community! Stakeholders are also encouraged to submit questions or comments relative to COVID-19 and its variants, vaccination hesitancy, the availability of vaccines and boosters, and much more! Submissions can be made prior to the event using the following submission form (forms.gle/EDfnxVqKn8ZYvvD97) and can also be submitted during the event by leaving comments on the Clayton County Public Schools social media channels listed above.