Superintendent Jones reports multiple grants to school system Eutaw Primary awarded $10,000 health education grant from Blue Cross/Blue Shield
At the Greene County Board of Education meeting held Monday, May 13, 2002, Superintendent Dr. Corey Jones reported on several new grants awarded to the school system. Eutaw Primary School Principal, Ms. Brittany Harris, presented an overview of the $10,000 CATCH (Coordinated Approach To Child Health) grant awarded to EPS by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama. Ms. Harris explained that the grant is for the implementation of a school-based health and wellness program that emphasizes increased physical activity and nutritional education during the school year. “Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama made available $250,000 with award grants up to $10,000 to schools across the state that enroll students in grades K through eight, and Eutaw Primary School was one of 31 schools to receive an award” she stated.
Principal Harris also reported on the plans to secure new playground equipment for Eutaw Primary School. She shared visual proposals from two companies: Play and Park Structures and Burke Play that Moves You.
esources for the new equipment will come from ESSER funds. She noted that once the company is selected, preparations to install new equipment will begin.
Superintendent Jones reported that the Child Nutrition Program was awarded a No Kid Hungry grant of $25,000 for the weekend back pack program. The grant will support scholars receiving a backpack of food for the weekend beginning with the next school term, and staff stipends. No Kid Hungry is the only national campaign committed to ending childhood hunger in the U.S.
Jones also reported that Greene County High School received a $1,000 grant from Alabama Power Foundation for classroom materials.
Continuing his updates to the board, Dr. Jones stated that 86 scholars at Eutaw Primary School had an identified reading deficiency and were invited to attend the Summer Reading Camp. There are currently 51 of the 86 scholars attending the camp at EPS. Jones noted that the ACAP scores were not released yet, but he expected favorable results, however, according to the Alabama Literacy Act, any scholar who did not meet the cut score of 452 would be retained. Superintendent Jones stated that 37 scholars are enrolled in the summer program at Robert Brown Middle School. RBMS will host a Tiger Round Up Job Fair on Thursday June 16. Juneteenth will also be celebrated with a cookout and crafts.
The scholars in the after-school program at Greene County High visited the Alabama Museum of Natural Science and toured Stillman College in Tuscaloosa. Jones stated that 24 students are enrolled in credit recovery at GCHS; 83% of seniors completed FAFSA and 83% of the class of 2022 were accepted into college.
The following personnel items recommended by the superintendent were approved by the board.
Resignations: Jakeyla Woods, Science Teacher, Greene County High School, June 30, 2022; Shelia Daniels, Secretary, Eutaw Primary, effective June 10, 2022; Hillary Bruner, 2nd Grade Teacher, Eutaw Primary School, effective June 10, 2022; Tara Thomas, Kindergarten Teacher, Eutaw Primary School, effective June 30, 2022.
Employment: Victoria Moore, Chemistry Teacher, Greene County High School; Patrick Allen, CNP Director, Greene County Board of Education.
Recall: Destiny Taylor, 2nd Grade Teacher, Eutaw Primary School.
Supplemental Contract, Spring Football Training: Corey Cockrell; Rodney Wesley.
Supplemental Contract, Greene County High School – 2022-2023 School Term: Corey Cockrell, Head Football Coach: Rodney Wesley, Assistant Football Coach; Zadderick Smith, Offensive Line Coach; Britney Jenkins, Head Volleyball Coach; Janice Jeames Askew, Assistant Volleyball Coach; Janice Jeames Askew, Athletic Director.
Retroactive Approval After School Extended Day Teachers
Eutaw Primary School: Genetta Bishop; Elona Washington.
Robert Brown Middle School: Raven Bryant; Vanessa Gray; Leanita Hunt; Allison Newton; KaToya Quarles; Elroy Skinner; Felecia Smith; Pinkie Travis;
Greene County High School: Cassandra Freeman; Angela Harkness; Janice Jeames Askew; Brittany Jenkins; Dutchess Jones; Drenda Morton; Tameshia Porter; Kelsey Smith;
Bus Drivers: Eddie Coats; Ayanna Crawford; Marilyn Finch; Gerald Holloway; Nastasha Lewis; Freddie Merriweather; Wennoal Peebles.
Extended Day Personnel – Rates of Pay: Lead Teacher $35. hourly; Teacher $30. hourly; Teacher Assistant $25. hourly; Bus Driver $25. hourly;
Three-Year Non-Probationary Principal Contract for Andrea Perry, Greene County High School;
Three-Year Non-Probationary Principal Contract for Brittany Harris, Eutaw Primary School.
Issue Concerning After School Program: Superintendent recommended that funds paid out without proper authorization of the board need to be repaid by the persons receiving the funds. The board approved the same.
The board approved the following administrative service items:
- Payment of all bills, claims, and payroll.
- Bank reconciliations as submitted by Ms. Marquita Lennon, CSFO.
- Approval of FY22 Budget Amendments.
- Contract with SAVVAS Learning Company LLC to provide professional development.
- Approval of Mr. Rice, to travel to Texas to attend SREB School Improvement Conference, July 19-22, 2022.
*Approval of Stillman College Stem Summer Enrichment Camp. - Amendment of school calendar to include the Juneteenth Holiday on Monday, June 20, 2022.
This article originally appeared in The Greene County Democrat.