Disney Dreamers Academy rerturned in person this year with a rigorous schedule and classes inside the Disney University Campus. Local Jacksonville Dreamers Christianna Alexander and Zachary Andrews were ecstatic when they arrived on the campus. “This was a dream come true. Disney Dreamers has motivated me to be all I can be. I have my own business – the deep dive workshop assisted with targeting your audiences, branding and target markets and tips I need to know to move my business forward,” said Dreamer Christianna Alexander. Alexander is a student at Greenwood School whose focus is students with reading difficulties, vows to let nothing hold her back.
While she aspires to be an actress, currently she is the founder of Christies Sweets a Jacksonville based Sweet Soaps and Bath Products business.
Disney University is where Christianna honed her business skills with facilitators and moderators providing knowledge of the ‘do’s and don’ts’ of starting a business. Dreamer Zachary Andrews is a Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) major and considers STEM the career of the future.
The in-depth career workshops are aligned with the students’ dreams and goals to lead them into the future. During the four-day event, that includes a graduation ring; the 100 chosen students participate in sessions teaching important life tools such as leadership skills, communication techniques and networking methods.
The student’s diverse career paths include business, entertainment, sciences and opportunities to become a member of the Walt Disney Company.
To ensure that families have a connection to the event, parents guardians and chaperones participate in workshops to sharpen their parenting skills, finances and therapeutic options for children and parents to always schedule a ‘me time day.
This year’s facilitators and speakers included: motivational speaker Lisa Nichols, Essence Magazine beauty icon Mikki Taylor, Hip Hop Stylist Misa Hylton and 2022 Dreamers Academy ambassador Kelly Rowland, member of the Grammy winning group Destiny Child. Since 2008, Disney Dreamers Academy has motivated and encouraged more than 1,300 students from across the country by fueling their dreams and showing them a world of possibilities as they prepare for their futures.