Youth To Discuss School Funding
Their education matters.
Youth will take the lead in a discussion about funding for schools in California on Thursday, September 3. The Fund All Kids Virtual Youth Summit will be streamed via Facebook Live from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Student panelists include Nailah DuBose and Aniyah DuBose, who attend the Rex & Margaret Fortune Early College High School; Sabrina Urdinarriam, who attends Sycamore Creek Community Charter in Huntington Beach; and Armanii Tafoya, who attends John Adams Academy locally.
The DuBose sisters and Urdinarrians are plaintiffs in a new lawsuit against the State of California, Gov. Gavin Newsom, State School Superintendent Tony Thurmond, the California Department of Education, and State Controller Betty Yee, questioning the constitutionality of the school funding law, SB 98. The law, plaintiffs say, withholds $542 million in funds that public and charter school students need to continue to reach underserved students. Other plaintiffs include Fortune School, John Adams Academy, Voices College-Bound Language Academies, and Sycamore Creek Community Charter School.
The charter school systems are sponsoring the summit along with the National Action Network and Genesis Church. The virtual youth summit will broadcast from the church, where the last Fortune charter campus is located.
Watch Here: https://bit.ly/3lAklLk
This article originally appeared in the Sacramento Observer.