Trump Ed. Dept. Gives ESSA Feedback to Five More States

Trump Ed. Dept. Gives ESSA Feedback to Five More States

Connecticut, Louisiana, New Jersey, Oregon, and Tennessee got preliminary feedback Friday from the U.S. Department of Education on their plans to implement the Every Student Succeeds Act, which must be approved by Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos.

The department’s initial ESSA feedback letters €”to Delaware, Nevada, and New Mexico€ sparked wonky outrage, including from state advocates who felt the department had overstepped its bounds. Some of the department’s comments, especially on academic goals and measuring college and career readiness, €”seemed like a sharp departure from DeVos’ rhetoric, which put a big emphasis on local control and rolling back the federal footprint on K-12.

So will this round of feedback give fans of local control another case of heartburn? From our quick review, that seems less likely. (But we’ve reached out to some state advocates for their take.) Noteably, though, the department isn’t questioning whether any state has set “ambitious” goals, as it did with Delaware’s plan. And it doesn’t seem to have a problem with the way Louisiana and Tennessee have relied on Advanced Placement and dual enrollment to determine school ratings, even though that too, was an issue for Delaware. Scroll down for more detail…

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NATIONAL: Seventeen State ESSA Plans Now Complete and Ready for Review

NATIONAL: Seventeen State ESSA Plans Now Complete and Ready for Review

Seventeen state plans to implement the Every Student Succeeds Act have passed the U.S. Department of Education’s initial completeness check and are ready for peer review, the next step in the approval process, the department announced Friday.

“Today’s announcement is a big win for ESSA implementation. I am committed to returning decisionmaking power back to states and setting the department up to serve the support and monitoring roles intended by Congress,” U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos in a statement. “The department worked with states to ensure their plans included all statutorily required components laid out in the…

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U.S. News & World Report Looks at How States are Incorporating School Choice

U.S. News & World Report Looks at How States are Incorporating School Choice

U.S. News & World Report notes that just three of the 10 ESSA plans submitted to the Dept. of Education include language related to expanding school choice, despite Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos’ suggestion that they do so. New Mexico, Tennessee, and Washington, D.C. do not propose any new strategies, but focus on “highlighting policies already in place.” According to Kristen Carr, program director for accountability at the Council of Chief State School Officers, “We know that a lot of states are doing a lot of different things beyond that scope,” but “just because it’s not in the state plan doesn’t mean they aren’t doing it.”


A Look at How Some States Want to Handle School Ratings in ESSA Plans

A Look at How Some States Want to Handle School Ratings in ESSA Plans

One of the most closely watched issues in states’ Every Students Succeeds Act plans will be how they plan to assign ratings to schools. Thanks to several states that turned in their plans by the April 3 deadline, we have an early idea of where states on headed on this.

One important decision is whether to issue schools single, summative ratings (like an A-F school rating), or use a “dashboard” approach that displays how a school is doing on different indicators, but doesn’t give the school an ultimate rating.

You might remember that how to handle school ratings was one of the most contentious issues in the development of the now-discarded Obama ESSA accountability rules. The Obama Education Department initially wanted to require states to assign a single, summative rating to all schools. But Republicans in Congress and others objected, arguing that this was not a requirement in ESSA itself and was an unfair, onerous requirement…

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What Are the Long-Term Academic Goals in States’ ESSA Plans?

What Are the Long-Term Academic Goals in States’ ESSA Plans?

We’re not in NCLB land any more, Toto.

Under the Every Student Succeeds Act, €”which replaced the previous version of the nation’s main K-12 law, states have a lot of leeway in deciding what their long-term academic goals will be. That means that, unlike with the No Child Left Behind Act, there’s no requirement that all states ensure that 100 percent of students are proficient on state English/language arts and math exams by a certain school year. In the ESSA plans submitted to the U.S. Department of Education that we’ve seen so far, states have laid out a variety of long-term as well as interim goals, and a vastly different set of timelines with key dates ranging from next year all the way to 2039.

Read on to see what some of these long-term goals are in eight states and the District of Columbia. We’ve included some information about goals for graduation rates as well, but we’ve put aside English-language proficiency goals for now. Want to jump to a particular state or the District of Columbia? Just click on one of the links below:

One important note about Massachusetts: The state did not set out any academic goals in its ESSA plan. Read on or click on Massachusetts above for more info about that…

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Which School Quality Factors Are States Including in Their ESSA Plans?

Which School Quality Factors Are States Including in Their ESSA Plans?

One of the parts of the Every Student Succeeds Act that excited educators the most was the chance to look beyond test scores in gauging school performance, to factors like absenteeism, access to advanced coursework, and even grit.

So what kinds of factors are states using? We looked at the handful of plans that states have submitted to the feds and shared with us.

There are some common themes, at least among this first batch. For instance, chronic absenteeism is super popular. In fact, five states Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Illinois, Massachusetts, Tennessee are all using it in some fashion. (We will be updating this post periodically as more plans come in.)…

Read the full article here. May require an Education Week subscription.

[ESSA] State Plan Versions That Have Been Released So Far

[ESSA] State Plan Versions That Have Been Released So Far

A number of states have released drafts of their ESSA plans. Here’s a compiled list of the most recent versions states have released so far.

Arizona: First Draft (9/7/16)  Second Draft (11/9/16) Final Plan (1/15/17)

Colorado: First Draft (2/10/17)

Connecticut: Released plan (4/3/17)

Delaware: First Draft (11/1/16)

District of Columbia: Released Plan (4/3/17)

Hawaii: First Draft (12/28/16) Released Plan (4/3/17)

Idaho: First Draft (11/2/16)

Iowa: First Draft (01/6/17)

Illinois: First Draft (9/7/16) Second Draft (11/18/16) Released Plan (4/3/17)

Kentucky: Partial Plan Released (11/1/16)

Louisiana: First Draft (9/28/16)

Massachusetts: Released Plan (4/3/17)

Maryland: First Draft (12/5/16)

Michigan: First Draft (2/14/17)

Montana: First Draft (11/19/16) Second Draft (12/15/16)

Nevada: Released Plan (4/3/17)

New Jersey: First Draft (2/15/17)

North Carolina: First Draft (9/30/16)

North Dakota: First Draft (1/13/17)

Ohio: Second Draft (2/2/17)

Oklahoma: First Draft (11/21/16)

Tennessee: First Draft (12/19/16) Released Plan (4/3/17)

Vermont: Released Plan (4/3/17)

Washington: First Draft (9/30/16)  Second Draft (11/16/16)

Source: Understanding ESSA

School Vouchers’ Dismal Record of Failure Comes Into Focus

School Vouchers’ Dismal Record of Failure Comes Into Focus

How school vouchers fail studentsAny lingering questions over how aggressively the Trump administration was going to pursue school privatization were answered on March 16 with the release of its FY2018-19 budget proposal. If approved by Congress, federal education programs will be slashed across the board, all to pay for an initial down payment of $1.4 billion this fiscal year on a national expansion of private school voucher programs. The eventual price tag for the program will be $20 billion annually.

It doesn’t matter how their proponents try to disguise them – education savings accounts, tuition tax credits, opportunity scholarships – vouchers are destructive and misguided schemes that use taxpayer dollars to “experiment with our children’s education without any evidence of real, lasting positive results,” says NEA President Lily Eskelsen García,

That was also the consensus of a panel of experts who convened recently at the Center for American Progress (CAP), a progressive think tank based in Washington D.C, to explore the implications of the Trump-DeVos privatization agenda. The discussion focused on three ways school vouchers pose a danger to the nation’s most vulnerable students, which were identified by Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) in a memo to her Senate colleagues and summarized in her keynote remarks.

Vouchers Help Private Schools Skirt Accountability and Transparency

Strong accountability measures help prevent students from falling through the cracks.  “We fly blind without the information we need to make sure our students are succeeding,” said Murray. “We strive to make accountability as effective as possible. ‘Unfortunately that system breaks down completely when it comes to public money going to private schools.”

Unlike public schools, private schools have almost complete autonomy with regard to how they operate: who they teach, what they teach, how they teach, how — if at all — they measure student achievement, how they manage their finances, and what they are required to disclose to parents and the public.

In addition to the financial fraud and abuse that some voucher programs have generated, students in these programs often end up doing worse academically. “We’ve seen real negative impacts on achievement,” said Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach of the Brookings Institution.  Recent evaluations of voucher programs in Indiana, Louisiana and Ohio found that students attending private schools on a voucher scored worse than their public school counterparts on reading and math assessments.

Vouchers Fund Discrimination

Anna Caudill, a parent of a special needs child in Tennessee, told the CAP audience that vouchers do give students a choice: “You can trade your child’s federally-protected civil rights under the Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) for a one-time monetary amount to pay for private school tuition.”

After her son fell too far behind academically in public school, Caudill looked for another option. Her family was offered an “Individualized Education Account,” the state’s version of a voucher. The Caudills would have received  $6,300 – as long as their son waived his rights under IDEA. They also would have had to re-enroll annually with no guarantees they would receive the same amount. And even with the voucher, Caudill’s family still wouldn’t have been able to afford full-time private school instruction.

The best solution is for Congress to fully fund IDEA. Caudill said.  “I believe in public schools. I believe that general and special education teachers with support from their districts and their states are the best equipped professionals to address the unique learning needs of students with disabilities.”

Neena Chaudhry, Director of Education and Senior Counsel at the National Women’s Law Center pointed out that vouchers use taxpayer dollars to discriminate against many other vulnerable groups. “We see this regarding LGBT students and students of color especially,” Chaudhry said.

Some voucher-funded, private religious schools in the South, for example, have explicitly anti-gay policies. And a recent study from the Century Foundation found that voucher programs actually increase racial segregation. Some states have expanded eligibility to include more higher-income families, who are more likely to be able to take advantage of the voucher. “Vouchers can be used as tools of white flight,” Chaudhry explained.

Accountability is critical because “allowing private schools to operate in the dark will only exacerbate these problems.” Even under a new national voucher program, states can find ways to skirt federal civil rights protections. In fact, Chaudhry warned, members of Congress may design the legislation to make that easier.

Vouchers Leave Communities and Students Behind

In many remote areas of the country, private schools are simply not an option. An expansion of vouchers nationwide, Senator Murray said, could “devastate rural schools.” She cited the example of the tiny community of Plevna, Montana, where the closest non-boarding private achool is 240 miles away. “If funding is diverted to private schools, not only would the school in Plevna sever, its students wouldn’t even be able to access the private school that are receiving public funds,” Murray explained.

A new CAP analysis on vouchers found that there 9,000 “sparse” school districts (five or fewer schools) that would be decimated by a national voucher program. The ability of an additional 2200 “average” districts (5-8 schools) to serve all its students would be seriously undermined. Together, “sparse” and “average” districts constitute roughly 85% of the nation’s regular school districts.

Cassia County School District in south central Idaho has 17 schools but is still located in a remote area. “Our biggest challenge is funding,” said Superintendent Gaylen Smyer, “We have a hard time finding qualified teachers. and bringing in new opportunities for students so they can compete after they graduate. Vouchers are not going to help. If anything, I think they would just undermine our public schools.”

Is there a demand for vouchers in Idaho? “I’m not seeing it,” Smyer said. “Geographic distances pose a challenge for private schools to be set up and parents aren’t willing to transport their children a long way to a private school. So there’s no demand for vouchers in south central Idaho. Our focus is on improving all schools for all our students.”

Senator Murray calls the Trump-DeVos privatization agenda a “false choice,” because it leaves out the best option for students: strong, well-funded public schools in their own neighborhood. “Public schools by definition are open and inclusionary and many students thrive in their neighborhood schools,” Murray said.

But the federal government must make the proper investments and “ensure that the states are creating strong accountability and improvement mechanisms so that groups of students previously denied access to an equitable education do not fall through the cracks once again.”


Take Action: Oppose private school vouchers. Tell Congress to invest in strong and inclusive public schools that ensure all students have the opportunity to succeed, regardless of ZIP code.

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Understanding the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) 3 of 3

Understanding the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) 3 of 3

Published on Mar 3, 2017

Dr. Tony Marchese of ICF interviews Dr. Caitlin Howley and Dr. Jobi Lawrence of the Appalachia Regional Comprehensive Center to establish a basic understanding of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). This is the first of a three-part series based upon the following objectives:

1. Inform citizens in region about federal education law
2. Explore how the new law might affect states, local districts and schools
3. Provide information about how to provide input to the law as a public education stakeholder

Overview of Programs in Series
Program One: Introduce public to how each state in the Appalachian Region is transitioning to the new law

Program Two: Highlight thoughtful approaches to ESSA planning

Program Three: Examine challenges related to planning for ESSA implementation

Caitlin Howley directs the Appalachia Regional Comprehensive Center, which provides technical assistance to state education agencies in four states. She also conducts research and evaluation of school, college, and professional development programs across the Appalachian region. Previously, Howley was Associate Director of the ARCC, provided evaluation for several Comprehensive Centers, and served as a Research and Evaluation Specialist with the Appalachia Regional Education Laboratory.

Jobi Lawrence serves as a consultant of the ARCC as well as the Title III Director in a State Education Agency. Over the course of her career in education, Lawrence has served as an ESL and Bilingual Co-Teacher, a faculty member in higher education and an administrator in higher education and a state government agency.