CHICAGO — Literacy has now been recognized as a human right for over 50 years in several international declarations and initiatives. Every child has a right to read and we have a social responsibility, as parents, teachers, librarians, publishers, booksellers, campaigners and policy makers to ensure that they are able to exercise that right. “Reading by Right: Successful Strategies to Ensure Every Child Can Read to Succeed,” published by Facet Publishing and available through the ALA Store, provides a collection of chapters from international experts covering aspects of overcoming reading difficulties or reading reluctance in children and young people. Edited by Joy Court, the book reveals strategies that are proving effective in overcoming barriers to reading from birth to teens, looking at practices and projects from around the globe and revealing some common principles and drivers that have generated success. Content covered includes:

  • an examination of the current state of reading in the UK and internationally and what the latest research tells us about children who are failing to read;
  • how youngsters become “reluctant readers” and how to improve the situation for everyone;
  • examples of successful projects from the Republic of Korea and Finland, countries that consistently perform well in reading tests and international league tables; and
  • analysis of diversity in publishing and children’s books, drawing on expertise from authors and publishers.

Court is Chair of the CILIP Carnegie & Kate Greenaway Medals Working Party. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and of the English Association and a Trustee and National Council member of UKLA. She is Reviews Editor for The School Librarian and author of “Read to Succeed.”

Customers outside of North America (USA and Canada) should contact Facet Publishingfor purchasing information.

Facet Publishing, the commercial publishing and bookselling arm of CILIP: the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals, is the leading publisher of books for library and information professionals worldwide. ALA Store purchases fund advocacy, awareness and accreditation programs for library professionals worldwide. Contact us at (800) 545-2433 ext. 5052 or

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