
We know that Every Student Succeed Act (ESSA) replaces ESEA and that it provides greater state leveraging in terms of establishing school accountability and determining priority programming. So what’s the next step regarding ESSA implementation?  Sharing OT’s distinct value as part of the Specialized Instructional Support Personnel ( SISP) team! Meet with your principals, administrators, Chief Officers, and  School Boards. Tell them how you can help to create a healthier school climate, to promote school mental and physical safety and wellness, and  to  address life skills and transition goals. We help to promote participation in all school routines and to prepare students for community integration, and towards further education/college, and/or career attainment! What are the AOTA resources to help you to advocate?

Use the new powerpoint developed through NASISP, the National Alliance for Specialized Support Personnel to conduct a presentation or in-service.  Help your school understand the valuable role of SISP.

Then Bundle the presentation with the powerpoint on the Role of OT in schools to advocate for our distinct value as part of the SISP team.

Distribute a handout geared towards administrators that articulates our services

Speak of our distinct value by citing the evidence to support our role.

Cite the Children and Youth evidence from the EBP directory

Then refer to the AOTA resources related to state and district priorities aligning with ESSA in regards to mental health, literacy, transitions, and UDL.

Your advocacy is an important step to ensure that students have access to our services and that you are recognized as essential part of the SISP team.

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