Dr. Sadguna Anasuri

Anasuri Among Mental Health Professionals Invited to International Conference in Dubai Associate professor for Human Development and Family Studies Dr. Sadguna Anasuri has been invited to the third International Scientex Conference on Psychology and Mental Health November 16 –17 in Dubai. Anasuri. The conference focuses on Psychology and Mental Health with the theme of “A forum to explore the innovation in Psychology and Mental Health”.

Anasuri’s invitation comes after her proposal, ‘An Overlooked (Silent) Pandemic: Psychological Impact of CO-VID-19 on Children and Youth’ was accepted as a feature.

“I’m excited to present my research to fellow academicians, students, business leaders and mental health professionals from around the globe,” said Anasuri. The project collect- ed data from children, youth, and adults to ex- amine the pandemic’s impact on families already facing multiple challenges, including conflict, abuse and neglect and poverty. Findings highlight underlying mental health concerns resulting from COVID-19: social isolation, and impacts on education and family life. Anasuri’s analysis indicates the types of assistance children and youth require moving forward, and provides recommendations to lawmakers and policy-makers.

“This invitation highlights our expertise and proves Alabama A&M consistently produces relevant and meaningful research important to global scholars.”

Learn more: https:// www.mentalhealth.scientexconference.com/

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