
It’s a new year and a lot of people are trying out new things. Many people are attempting to embody the phrase ‘new year, new me’ by focusing on their health and wellness. 

In addition to being a time for new beginnings, January is also National Hot Tea month. There are lots of herbs, flowers, fruits and vegetables that have great medicinal benefits. People often struggle to consume these foods directly or in amounts large enough for them to truly reap the benefits, but herbal teas are a great way for these plants to be consumed. 

Whether you try it in a bag, loose leaf or if you decide to make your own concoction, consider adding more hot tea to your diet this new year. Here’s a list of 10 herbal teas and the health and wellness benefits they offer:

  1. Matcha Tea 

Within the last few years, matcha has grown very popular and can often be found in coffee drinks, baked goods and everything else in between. Matcha’s ever-growing popularity is due to its high level of caffeine. In addition to the boost of energy it has been known to provide, the plant also has a high level of I-theanine, a compound which has been known to reduce stress and provide a calm and focused state. If you’re looking to be more productive in this new year, you and matcha just might be a match! 

  1. Peppermint Tea 

Peppermint has a plethora of benefits, but much like matcha, it’s great for productivity. Its strong aroma and taste have been known to improve alertness and memory. Peppermint is caffeine-free and is best for when you need a relaxed and laser-focused mindset for things such as testing, or long work assignments. 

  1. Dandelion Root Tea 

With its long history of medicinal use, dandelion root is known for improving digestion, fighting colds and improving overall health. Studies have shown that dandelion root has major benefits when fighting against the effects of diseases such as type 2 diabetes.

  1. Ashwagandha Tea 

Ashwagandha is a powerful supplement with many benefits, however its effects can become very severe if not properly monitored. The root plant can be used for controlling both blood sugar and blood pressure levels. Meanwhile, it can also drop these vitals to dangerous levels if taken with prescribed medication for these issues. Often used to help improve people’s anxiety and focus, those with ADHD benefit from the plant’s strong effects. Although it helps with anxiety, it can cause a lack of emotions and depression so it’s suggested to try this supplement after consulting a healthcare professional.

  1. Jasmine Tea  

Jasmine tea has a history of preventing and helping with gastrointestinal disorders. To help with your digestive system consider drinking jasmine tea. It has been known to help soothe upset stomachs and fight against dehydration due to its ability to assist with delivering vital fluids to the body. 

  1. Hibiscus Tea

Iron plays a huge role in helping the body process and maneuver, but many people have a deficient amount of it, though. Fortunately, hibiscus tea has a great source of iron and can be very beneficial to those who menstruate and suffer from anemia. In addition to this, hibiscus has a great amount of Vitamin C which is great for iron absorption. 

  1. Ginger Tea 

If you suffer from hypertension, high blood sugar or if you’re recovering from an injury you may deal with inflammation and swelling. Ginger tea has been used throughout history to help reduce inflammation and provide relief from many other forms of pain and discomfort. The edible root is also known for helping relieve menstrual cramps, soothe nausea and reduce muscle pain. 

  1. Rooibos Tea 

With its high antioxidants count, rooibos tea has been found to be useful when warding off illness and diseases. Since rooibos tea is caffeine-free it can also be a great tea to drink when you’re looking to wind down and head to bed. This calming tea and health-conscious tea can be enjoyed cold or warm. 

  1. Turmeric Tea 

Turmeric is the star of many international dishes when used as a seasoning, but it also has a multitude of amazing health benefits when brewed as a tea. It’s been studied and found that turmeric has neuroprotective effects and can help relieve headache and migraine pain. Turmeric is also great for improving the condition of one’s skin. Often used in face masks to help with acne, these same anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial benefits can be received from enjoying the root as a tea. 

  1.  Lavender Tea

Usually enjoyed for its soothing and floral taste, lavender tea is especially beneficial when you want to participate in a little rest and relaxation. Lavender is great for headache and menstrual cramp relief. Along with its ability to soothe stress and boost moods, lavender is often used to help improve sleep quality. 

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