By Sandra F. Beckard

Sandra F. Beckard

Imagine the citizens of Ancient Rome seeing their country come to demise in “real time” and feeling helpless because they couldn’t do anything about it.  Historians believed that Rome fell because of economic problems, government corruption, crime and private armies. Rather than serving the interests of the country, the rulers, generals and politicians became more concerned with protecting themselves. There is an old narrative of history that has been discredited, in which societies rise and fall through the migration of ethnic-racial groups. Sounds familiar? Hitler blamed the Jews. The United States blames everyone of color. The fact is the Roman Empire was brought down by greed, not immigration.  

The three branches of the US Government, legislative, executive, and judicial are inspired by the structure of the Roman Republic which influenced the Founding Fathers with the idea of separating powers into different branches to prevent a dictatorship. Well, that did not work. Today all three branches of our government are corrupt.  At 12:00 Noon on January 20, 2025, the Chief Justice of the United States will swear in a convicted felon as “Dictator.” Once a dictatorship is established it’s impossible to transition back.  Remember to record what you were doing on this day when greed “officially” took control of this country. The one percent billionaires who have “owned” this country for years will start their reign over you with the help of the government. We have always been a “class society” even though a lot of people don’t believe it. If you think you are in the “upper-class”, that’s where you will remain. The one percent won’t let you move any higher. You are still in a class below them.

I would like to say “Happy New Year” but I can’t. So I’ll say “Good Luck Everyone.” as we witness in “real time” the fall of this country.

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