By the Campaign to Elect Malika Sanders Fortier Governor
Malika Sanders Fortier, a candidate for Alabama Governor on the Democratic Run – Off Ballot. (courtesy photo)
Next week, Tuesday, June 21st, 2022 an African – American woman will become the first nominee to a major party in Alabama. Malika Sanders Fortier, a candidate for Governor on the Democratic Run – Off Ballot is passionate about becoming that nominee in order to operationalize the plan to build Alabama’s Beloved Community. For- tier is already an Alabama State Senator for District 23 and an attorney. She is from Selma, AL, the home of the Voting Rights Movement and is committed to the vision that people fought and risked their lives to manifest. Fortier states, “People didn’t put their families at risk sim- ply to go into a ballot box, they were using that as a tool to build Alabama’s Beloved Community, to have a better quality of life. When it comes to the laws that govern our lives here in Alabama, all should be respected, loved, and protected in state policy. ”The theme of Malika Sanders For- tier’s Campaign for Governor is “Standing for One Nation Under God, Building Alabama’s Beloved Community.
Fortier believes that the Beloved Community is the vision for every man, woman, and child to have full expression of their gifts, skills, talents, and purpose. Alabama’s Beloved Community Operational Plan focuses on 3 targeted areas: education, health care and economic opportunity. The Beloved Community is a
place where there is order, protection, peace, and prosperity. It is the fulfillment of the American Dream where we are truly, “One nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.”
Your vote in the Run- Off Election is critical to the future success of our Education System, Health Care System, Economic Opportunities, and Criminal Justice Reform in our State. Malika Sanders Fortier has an “out of the box” plan to address these areas and more. Regrettably Madison County with tens of thousands not voting and statewide Alabama with hundreds of thousands not voting consistently is enough to change the real impact for all Alabamians. Fortier’s campaign has initiated a One Vote/Voice Campaign to inspire many to go to the polls. Fortier states, “The power of each person’s vote is real. The power we have to encourage, educate, and even drive each other to the polls to make sure our family, friends, and neighbors are empowered is tremendous.”
The Campaign to Elect Malika Sanders Fortier Governor is asking everyone to use their social media to post #OneVote/ One Voice to harness the power of each person’s One Vote. More information can be found at www.
For direct Information please contact Rev. Dr. Franklin B. Fortier, the Campaign Manager for the Committee to Elect Malika Sanders Fortier Governor, at 334-431- 9015 or 334-233-9111.