By Dr. John E. Warren
Special to the AFRO
The decision of President Biden to step down and pass the torch to Vice President Harris, and the outpouring of support in the form of over $2 million in donations in 48 hours, along with more than 2,500 pledged delegates, commitments from members of the Congress as well as governors of several states and the support of grassroots people from all walks of life, gives new meaning to the statement: There is nothing like an idea whose time has come.

Credit: AP Photo/Joe Buglewicz, File)
America has an opportunity for a truly historic period. Now that Vice President Harris is making good on her promise “to earn the nomination,” it’s up to the rest of us to carry out the agenda that will go with that presidency.
The agenda includes getting Vice President Harris elected, not because she is a woman or because she is Black, but because she is qualified and equipped to do the job. Our “Project 2025” is to give her a majority in the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate so that she will have in place lawmakers that can pass the needed legislation to overcome the agendas of the MAGA Republicans committed to blocking her efforts.
We can make a difference by voting into office Democrats in every state that has a congressional race. We must be in control of the House of Representatives when the Electoral College votes are counted in January. A failure to regain the House of Representatives will allow the Republican control under Mike Johnson to block or delay the certification necessary for the transition of power to Harris as president.
Every opportunity to elect a Democrat in all 50 states is crucial. Only “we the people” getting out the vote can overcome the planned destruction of democracy as we know it.
We must monitor the selection of Electoral College delegates. We must monitor state efforts to reduce voting opportunities by changing polling sites and removing or reducing ballot boxes. We must ensure we have voter registration officials to carry out the elections.
If for some reason we can’t vote, then we must work to register those who can. We must encourage the use of absentee ballots, and contact friends and relatives in other states and ensure that they both register and vote. We must make it unacceptable for those around us to tell us they are not going to vote or that their vote won’t count when we know people died to ensure that we have the right to vote.
In conclusion, our agenda is to not only support the election of Kamala Harris as president of the United States, but to prepare the way for her to have a successful presidency, and to remove those in office who have already demonstrated a commitment to trampling on the oath of office they took “to Defend the Constitution of the United States, so Help Them God.”
The rest of the agenda is up to us both now, and all campaign challenges that stand to block our president-to-be.
Dr. John E. Warren is publisher of The San Diego Voice and Viewpoint.
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