By Calvin Lee, guest columnist

Calvin Lee

The Lawrence County community should stay focused on he activity at the Board of Education. How does a retired principal end up as a truancy officer and is hired to a previously posted position?

These are what the board members should be telling their people in their district. We can no longer sit quietly and let these things pass us. Are you aware that we have a Signature School located in Old Moulton High School? We should ask what the purpose of the school is? We are tax- paying citizens!

Are you aware that there are nine supervisors in this county, all Caucasian-American? There are only four African-American principals in the whole county system and one Assistant Principal. We deserve more and better because we are tax-paying citizens and our voices make a difference.

Please don’t allow the Lawrence Count BOE to continue to swindle us out of jobs we should at least have the right to apply for.

We must stop being bamboozled! These out-of-touch, uncaring, wrongdoing educational officials spit in our faces every time they overlook individuals. They have denied qualified individuals the opportunity for good, viable career positions to keep the pockets of their buddies lined with income!

Lawrence County, the future of your children, is at stake. It’s time to WAKE UP, STAND UP, and SPEAK UP!

This post was originally published on this site