Special to the informant
Sisters of the valley is celebrating its 30th anniversary throughout 2022 during various social activities. This social club of more than 275 African-American women of varied ages evolved in February 1992 after a conversation between Muriel Hiller and Jan Jones, both of Scottsdale at that time.
These two women – with help from Yvonne McFadden, Shirley Wade and Monyette Green put together a list of sisters they had met and invited them to attend an afternoon of sisterhood while sipping wine and eating finger foods on March 7, 1992. This initial time together resulted in this group of women becoming charter members of Sisters of the Valley (SOV).
SOV was started to provide a forum for Black women to socialize with likeminded women without having to explain the “whys” of hairtextureandskincolorandto identify services and places needed to satisfy personal lifestyles. In June 1992, McFadden applied for Arizona state registry of the name; “We formed an executive board and, 30 years later, we are still enjoying each other’s company. “

During these years special interest groups were formed to allow members a choice in engaging in activities they enjoyed in addition to the quarterly meetings which are for the entire group.
Some of the groups are:
• The Traveling Sisters, who have traveled all over world;
• Page Turners, who read and discuss books Monty written primarily by African-American authors;
• Sisters of Faith, who study the Bible;
• Sensational Single Sisters, who enjoy each other’s company;
• Theater group that enjoys the arts by attending various Valley venues including The Black Theater Troupe;
• Desert Diners, who lunch to- gether; and
• Moonlighters, who dine in the evening

Main membership activities include: an annual themed luncheon; a “summer fling” of playing games with husbands and significant others; a fall picnic with members, family and friends; a fall evening themed event; and a Kwanzaa celebration in December. In addition to scheduled activities, the members also attend concerts, various shows, and other Valley wide sponsored events.

SOV membership features: Dream Keepers (those 50 years and under); Torch Bearers (those 80 and above); and all ages in between.

“We had no idea this group would continue but it has, and to paraphrase a quote from Maya Angelou ‘and still we rise.’
“Please join and celebrate with us at our remaining events which are open to non-members.”

Learn more on the website at sistersofthevalleyclub.com. Send any questions in writing to Jacqueline Jackson, executive chair at: Sisters of the Valley, P. O. Box 1724, Litchfield Park, AZ 85340.
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