By Keisa Sharpe-Jefferson

I recently discovered something that was pretty cool. Those who know me, know that I absolutely adore nature. I will eat my breakfast and lunch, work and attend Zoom meetings on my computer or phone and bask in all things nature while on my front porch. And just days ago, I discovered that I’m not the only one who takes up residence there.

Comfortably nestled in one of the corners of the covered porch, a small bird settles in each night and sleeps. That’s right – a bird has made his abode at my residence.

At first it looked like something out of place or as if it needed to be removed. But a closer look revealed my encouragement for this article.

I found myself staring at my window to watch this and was amazed that my home would even be comfortable enough for him. He tucks his head and rests each night, and rests very comfortably I might add. And while I have so many items I’m tempted to complain about, this animal reminds me to take comfort in the small things like shelter each night.

There’s something about knowing he’s there, that brought me peace. And a small bit of wonder as to why my home was chosen. It’s actually quite fascinating to me. It’s not always the excessive, abundant, and flamboyant that can stir our joy. Sometimes it’s in the subtle sights and signs in life. Let me give you a few ways to really see it.

First, that person who’s always sparked your interest through their smile, but you’ve never exchanged a word. Make an effort to say something that this week.

Second, make note of that location – coffee shop, park or other business – that caught your attention. You’ve always wanted to stop by, but never made the time. Endeavor to go there and take time to really get a sense of it. And then, soak it all in.

Third, get still. And then listen and review the activities of your day. This may be where the real gold lies. You’ll be amazed what wonders you may have already missed.

I challenge you over these next few days and weeks, take note of what’s around you – your home, your workplace and your life. Do that thing your heart prompts you to do. Make a heartfelt endeavor to see because it’s quite possible your next inspiration lies there. And possibly a new source of joy.

As always, I’m cheering for you.

Keisa Sharpe-Jefferson is a life coach, author and speaker. Her column appears each month online and in The Birmingham Times. You can contact Keisa at and visit for natural hair and body products.



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