Over the past years, our safety articles have provided various safety tips for readers regarding holiday decorating both inside and outside. This week’s safety tips come from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission which are reminders are meant to help you, and your family, have a wonderful and enjoyable safe holiday season.
The safety tips will be divided into various holiday decorating categories. The information will be shared over the next upcoming few weeks. The most popular topic to address first is trees.
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Many artificial trees are fire resistant. If you buy one, look for a statement specifying this protection.
A fresh tree will stay green longer and be less of a fire hazard than a dry tree. To check for freshness, remember:
• a fresh tree is green.
• fresh needles are hard to pull from the branches
• when bent between your fingers, fresh needles do not break.
• the trunk butt of a fresh tree is sticky with resin.
• when the trunk of a tree is bounced on the ground, a shower of falling needles shows that the tree is too dry.
Place trees away from fireplaces, radiators and other heat sources. Heated rooms dry trees out rapidly, creating fire hazards. Keep your tree hydrated, so check it often.
Cut off about two inches of the trunk to expose fresh wood for better water absorption. Trim away branches as necessary to set tree trunk in the base of a sturdy, water-holding stand with widespread feet. Keep the stand filled with water while the tree is indoors.
Place the tree out of the way of traffic and do not block doorways. Use thin guywires to secure a large tree to walls or ceiling. These wires are almost invisible.
Our second topic this week is artificial snow; something many use to replicate the snow like atmospheric climate seemingly making their decorations more realistic.
Artificial snow sprays can irritate lungs, if inhaled. To avoid injury, read the container labels and adhere to all the directions carefully.
Keeping an Eye on Safety as you decorate for the holidays is crucial. Enjoy and stay safe.