by Cindi Branham

This is an opinion column.
Part 1
Listen to former president Trump. He will tell you, in perfect clarity, what he plans to do with our country if elected to a second term. He speaks of it daily.
But don’t let him pull the wool over your eyes: now that national attention to Project 2025 is picking up, he says he doesn’t know anything about it. Can you trust him in that? I think you already know the answer.
Trump doesn’t acknowledge that 31 of the 38 authors of the plan for America’s future were in his administration. Those direct hires include Stephen Miller, famous for his policy of separating immigrating children – even nursing infants – from their families, in an attempt to cut down on undocumented crossings. Cruelty is nothing new to him.
Trump depends on the Heritage Foundation (authors, keepers and implementers of Project 2025) to push his agenda; it’s not the other way around. Right now, as we go about our lives, the Heritage Foundation is interviewing individuals, who must swear a loyalty to Trump, to begin to immediately fill governmental roles.
Seasoned, qualified and expert federal workers will be replaced by…loyalists.
As soon as Trump is sworn in – January 20, 2025, otherwise known as Day 1 – Trump will fire thousands of top-level government employees and replace them with his loyalists. How many? Estimates run between 200,000 and 350,000, but the Heritage Foundation will brag, given any opportunity, that they have secured around 50,000 recruits and are confirming more daily.
They have admitted that they’re working now to take DC by storm after the election. Replacing top and middle levels of government with individuals whose best qualification Is loyalty to Trump negatively affects government’s ability to function for the American people while increasing Trump’s control over the U.S. Government.
All government agencies will effectively come under control of the president. This isn’t an efficient way to run any organization (especially the largest one in the world) but providing government services isn’t the goal: total service to the president is, and when you have that mixed with a vengeful, wanna-be dictator, you don’t have a democracy, by any definition.
What about the rest of us? Eventually, chaos and desperation become our daily lives. It’s inevitable when we have people running departments who have no skills in the services they provide – and when “the boss” wants to cut everything and many agencies altogether. Creation of a serf class that serves the leader and not the citizens any longer is a goal of Project 2025. You and I won’t be able to make decisions for ourselves any longer. Where and how we live, who we love, what we want to be when we grow up… All that will be decided for us.
We know they want to do away with Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Imagine them gone or so drastically reduced that we have starvation, mass homelessness and death from lack of healthcare. Everyone who worked a career at any level draws Social Security in their retirement; it’s their right. Not anymore.
Project 2025 creates a destitute sub-class, willing to follow a bad leader, just for scraps of existence. Take away all this, and crime rises from people just trying to get by.
Environmental Protection Agency? Gone. Along with it, clean air and water, and the healthier lives we live thanks to the EPA’s protections. Industry will rule itself, and the fact that we will have more exposure to carcinogens and other pollutants will be our problem, not theirs, and we will have no recourse.
Department of Labor? The many protections in place for child labor will go away, as will workers’ rights. It’s already happening in states with Republican legislators and governors. Workplace discrimination against women will rise again. Half the population unable to choose their life’s path, or to even vote.
Trump will eliminate the Department of Education, destroying public education. Federal funding keeps K – 12 alive, and that will be reduced or eliminated. Much of that money will be put into bolstering private Christian schools. The Heritage Foundation knows that they will produce the elite for the next generation of loyalists. Our children and grandchildren will become a part of the serf class.
This is all being tested out in states like Texas, where they’re banning books and abortion, forcing public school teachers to display the 10 Commandments in their classrooms. They also plan to replace school counselors with chaplains and are taking dollars from public schools to provide private and church school vouchers. Is any of this familiar, Alabama?
Sound dystopian? It will be.
If Trump isn’t around long enough to implement the horrors of Project 2025, political newcomer and vice-presidential candidate J.D. Vance will be. His star has risen entirely due to the support he has from the billionaires who also want to see the changes and controls of the plan implemented. Bank on it: Vance will be president sooner than later.
Trump recently told his rallies that they needed to vote for him November 5th, and that he’d have the voting fixed to the point they wouldn’t have to vote ever again. He essentially told them he would take away the right to vote from all of us, and they cheered.
Listen to him.
Next: Part 2 of Trump’s Blueprint for the U.S. Government, and Our Freedoms