By Special Press Release
Baltimore County, MD. – When the temperature forecast calls for freezing weather (below 32 degrees) Baltimore County activates its Freezing Weather Shelter Plan. The plan is in place from November 15, 2024 to April 15, 2025 to help protect homeless individuals from the dangers of freezing weather.

During the day, public facilities such as libraries, senior and community centers, shopping malls and places of worship make great respites from the cold weather. Residents are encouraged to utilize these facilities as safe havens against harsh weather. County emergency shelters will be open from 6 p.m. until 9 a.m. on evenings when the temperature is expected to drop below freezing. Overnight shelter locations include:
Eastern Family Resource Center 9150 Franklin Square Drive Rosedale, MD 21237
The Community Health 1811 Woodlawn Drive Woodlawn, MD 21207
Individuals are encouraged to call the County’s resource and referral line at 410-887-TIME (8463) – option 1, to confirm activation and bed availability at these locations. Residents should arrive no later than 10 p.m. Shelter activation may be extended to include daytime hours when County offices are closed due to severe weather conditions.
Cold Weather Reminders
The combination of low temperatures and wind chill constitute a threat, especially to certain groups, including older adults, children and individuals with respiratory or other chronic diseases. If you are in danger or experiencing severe health issues due to weather, please call 911. Below are some basic tips to help you and your family get relief from the cold and stay safe.
Be Cautious and Prepared!
- Make sure that you have a 72-hour emergency kit.
- Check on the elderly and/or chronically ill.
- Cold weather puts an extra strain on the heart. If you have heart disease or high blood pressure, talk to your doctor/medical representative before exercising or working outside during cold weather.
- If you are hiking, camping, or skiing during cold weather, avoid becoming overtired. Be extremely careful when walking in icy areas. Many cold-weather injuries result from falls on ice-covered paths.
Eat Right
- Eating well-balanced meals will help you stay warmer.
- Do not drink alcoholic or caffeinated beverages- they cause your body to lose heat more rapidly.
- Drink warm beverages or broth to help maintain your body temperature. If you have any dietary restrictions, consult your doctor.
Dress for Warmth and Stay Dry – Adults and Children Should Wear:
- A hat, scarf or knit mask to cover face and mouth
- Sleeves that are snug at the wrist
- Mittens (they are warmer than gloves)
- Water-resistant coat and boots
- Several layers of loose-fitting clothing if you are going to be outside
Don’t Leave Your Pets Outdoors
- During extreme weather, bring your pets indoors.
- Remember to have an emergency plan for your pets. Most shelters do not allow pets.
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