(L-R) Deacon Genevia Hughes, First Lady Fruzzie Anderson, Rev. Dr. Edward Anderson and Deacon Carl Harris.
(L-R) Dr. Deloris Smothers and Rev. Dr. Edward Anderson Union Hill CPCA

UNION HILL — On Sunday, Nov. 3, 2024, friends, family, and congregants will gather to honor Pastor Edward L. Anderson and his wife, Mother Fruzzie Anderson, in a celebration marking their years of service and retirement. Themed “Just to Behold His Face,” inspired by Revelation 22:1-4, featured a full day of worship, song, and heartfelt tributes hosted by Union Hill CPCA and Potter’s Hand Church.

The first service began at 10:00 a.m., led by the Union Hill Combined Choir, with offerings collected by the ushers and the congregation reciting the Doxology in unison. The church’s deacons conducted the Prayer of Consecration, and Elder Joe Jorden offered the altar call. Sister Demetrice Holden introduced the morning’s guest speaker, Dr. Barbara Clemons, who delivered the sermon and led the congregation in an invitation to Christian discipleship before closing with a benediction.

The afternoon service at 1:00 p.m. opened with a performance by the Potter’s Hand Church Choir, followed by a prayer led by a Potter’s Hand church officer and a scripture reading by Rev. Barbara Strowbridge. Deacon Genevia Hughes officially welcomed attendees, with additional musical selections from the Potter’s Hand Choir throughout. Offering and offertory prayer was handled by Potter’s Hand ushers.

Mother Devona Warner introduced the afternoon’s guest speaker, Pastor Zachary B. Williams, who delivered the sermon and led the Invitational to Discipleship. A special presentation by the committees and deacons of Union Hill CPCA recognized the Andersons’ decades of ministry, followed by remarks from Chairperson Elder Bobbie Matthews. Pastor Williams concluded the day’s services with a benediction.

Pastor Edward L. Anderson and Mother Fruzzie Anderson have served the community and Union Hill CPCA for many years, their work reflecting unwavering dedication and compassion. Sunday’s service is a testament to the legacy they leave as they embark on a new chapter.

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