Jackie Reed, Columnist

Thanks to Speakin Out News and to our many dedicated readers. Thanks to the Smothers family also for all they do for me and others. They have a wonderful family and beautiful grandchildren. They make me wish I had more grandchildren. 

Spring is near and you can feel it in the air. Time is passing by so fast that I am thinking about not adding any years to my age on my birthday this year. It is like I told Governor Kay Ivey before the last election, age is just a number and do not allow it to get in your way. She has been a good Governor in my opinion.

This weekend I learned that my school classmate and her husband had passed away. They had moved to be near their daughter in another state. They were always so good to my family and even helped take care of my children after school while I worked. I am sad as I will miss them but I am sure they are in heaven. They are great people and were such a blessing on this earth.


The primary election is coming up in May. Please keep up with the current candidates and how they vote and represent their current positions. They are passing and changing so many current laws that that do not need changing and that are hurtful and unsafe for the people.


Did the word “Politics” get involved with causing the war on Ukraine? It is so very sad to see what Russia has done to those people and that country. It makes you wonder if Russia will come after the U.S. next.   Over 3.3 million people have been affected so far as Russia keeps attacking additional cities. China is now questioning whose side they are on. Why is all this important power in control over there? Ukraine will be receiving Switchblades drones from the United States as part of President Biden’s military aid to help Ukraine fight back on the Russian invasion. I hope our politicians do not make the wrong decisions and get the American people involved. Prayers for the Ukraine people as it is a sad situation.


I cannot believe all the City Council members voted to tear down the parking garage downtown as it has caused a lot of problems for city employees and many surrounding businesses. It seems the Huntsville Leaders lost any common sense they ever had. Huntsville has a City Manager working with planning and the big money developers and the people have no say in anything anymore. Who is the City giving the old current Municipal building property to as they have yet to discuss their plans for this property? Please go to Governors Drive across from the Post Office and see the mess they have allowed there. The new buildings are almost in the street and dangerous for the traffic exiting the Interstate on to Governors Drive. I am sorry that I cannot just let politics be but that is not who I am.

Love you all and have a blessed week.

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