NNPA 2024 National Convention opens in Baltimore
By Aria Brent
AFRO Staff Writer
Day one of the 2024 National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) Annual National Convention featured board meetings, capped off by a welcome reception on the terrace level of the Four Seasons Hotel in Baltimore.

The board meetings allowed NNPA publishers to gather and discuss what can be anticipated for the rest of the year and what members of the Black Press need to focus on this election year.
“The association and the foundation met today and we’re making progress. The board is looking at the initiatives that we’re working on in the organization– it was very impactful,” said Denise Rolark-Barnes, publisher of the Washington Informer. “It’s always good when the publishers can get together and I think that’s what’s most important. When we all get together we get to share what we’re all experiencing.”
It’s no secret that the Black Press has always played a significant role in getting our communities educated, empowered and registered to vote. This year, those efforts are needed more than ever and the NNPA convention is the perfect place for brainstorming and collaboration to ensure this happens.
“We’re very concerned about the upcoming election and voter turnout and participation. Not only are we concerned about who’s running, but sure our community shows up and shows out,” Barnes exclaimed
After the board meetings, a rooftop reception welcomed NNPA members to network with another and celebrate the Juneteenth holiday.
Remarks were given by convention sponsors, along with words from NNPA President and CEO, Benjamin Chavis Jr. He introduced corporate partners that made this year’s convention possible and spoke on how some of the sponsors are working hand in hand with the NNPA to address issues in the Black community, like disproportionate health issues.
“Pfizer has done a great job,” said Chavis. “As some of you know, there’s a particular heart disease that affects African Americans: ATTR-CM. Pfizer is working and has developed a medication that helps extend the lives of brothers and sisters with this disease.”
The evening was enjoyed by all and the “family feel” of the NNPA was well and alive. Chavis noted that the need to convene with other Black publications and media outlets is needed– especially in 2024.
“From the East Coast to the West Coast, from the North to the South– I am so proud of the Black Press of America,” he said.
Similar sentiments were echoed by David Miller, of Our Weekly, which is based in Los Angeles. Miller noted that camaraderie is vital to the success of the Black Press.
“Having so many different publishers, we’ve become a family. We look forward to coming together, collaborating and having general conversation” said Miller. “It’s always good to see family.”
Miller spoke on how the more than 200 Black papers of NNPA lean on each other.
“We’re all African American newspapers, and we all have a lot in common. When coming to collaborate and share our stories, a lot of times we have the same issues or situations. It’s good to hear that you’re not alone,” said Miller. “We’re all dealing with the same concerns and being able to talk about those with others definitely helps. It also enhances us to be able to share and create opportunities.”
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