By Jemma Stephenson
Bass, Public Relations Chair, Robin Drake, Esq., Public Policy Chair,
Tara Tanner, Public Policy Committee Member (NCBW GHAC photo credit)
On February 14, 2023, the National Coalition of 100 Black Women Inc., Greater Huntsville Area Chapter (GHAC) closed out its inaugural “Feminine Products Drive”. What an amazing response to GHAC Public Policy’s call of action. How amazing? GHAC collected over 8000 pieces of feminine hygiene products from 35 donation sites comprised of churches, businesses, and community centers as well as the countless individuals. GHAC distributed the products collected to: Huntsville City Schools, Madison
City Schools, Madison County Schools, Decatur City Schools, First Stop and Riah Rose, a homeless shelter for teenage mothers.
Dr. Laurie Bone McCaulley, GHAC President, explained, why was a feminine product drive necessary? She quoted in part this excerpt from an article in Bloomberg Magazine.…
“two in five people said they struggled to buy period products, a 35% increase from 2018, according to an April 2021 survey by Kimberly-Clark. The consequences can be serious: One-third of the low-income respondents said they had missed work, school, or similar events due to lack of menstrual supplies. (InflationIs Pushing Tampon PricesUp 10% – Bloomberg).
Just imagine, if a young girl (lady) student misses 3 days (a month)per cycle; this would be equivalent to missing183.6 hours of instructional time, approximately15% of the school year. A heartfelt thank you, to everyone who contributed to making a transformational change in the lives of young girls (ladies) inNorth Alabama. NCBWGHAC is a nonprofit and nonpartisan organization.