At least the conversation on mental health matters is happening more often. I am encouraged when I see the City of Birmingham putting resources behind efforts to bring mental health matters to the forefront.

Mental Health Awareness Day (July 12 at Linn Park) was packed with organizations sharing information and resources to help people understand how to navigate this             sometimes-difficult arena.

City leaders, medical professionals and other community leaders joined forces to shine light on the subject. And let’s face it, talking about mental health challenges has not been seen as a particularly easy task in the African American community.

I would say there has been an unwarranted stigma associated with mental illness. But please help me understand how someone, who’s been broken by life, work or another traumatic circumstance, is not allowed time to heal, reflect and regain strength with the help of another?

If we were being truly honest, we’ve all been there – challenged and broken by a life circumstance. And we’ve all needed to rely on the strength of someone else to help pull us through a difficult situation. So how can we look down on someone who’s smart enough to reach out for help when they need it?

And, in this moment, as a certified life coach, I am compelled to do a quick mental health check.

How are you dealing with your life challenges right now? Do you feel overwhelmed or are you managing these stressors on your own? And … who could and would you call to help you navigate through it all?

The most important thing that I could remind you is that you are not alone on this journey called life and don’t try to carry your heavy boulders by yourself. Allow others who are gifted in the mental health arena to help you.

Be vulnerable and open to share what you are going through with a trained, licensed or certified professional, so you don’t have to cave under the pressure of the challenge. Being open to receiving help can be one of the most empowering things you will ever do.

Keisa Sharpe is a life coach, author and speaker. Her column appears each month online and in The Birmingham Times. You can contact Keisa at and visit for natural hair and body products.

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