As a new season turns the calendar, we love to think about all things new and get excited. For many, fall brings fond anticipation of more comfortable weather, family holiday traditions and fashionable clothing trends. But, just as seasons change, so do relationships.
We recognize that we can’t carry all things into the next season on the calendar. In fact, we have become acclimated to that and prepare for it. But we also have to accept that not all people can go with us into our next season.
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Yes, let’s take a deep breath on this one as I encourage you to really think through on this one. It may come across as harsh, but that is not the intention. Just as we change garments, we must change people’s access into our lives as well.
The danger of being passive with relationships revolves around this one principle — relationships influence you positively or negatively. There is no such thing as no impact when it comes to those you call friends. If you just think about it, when you think of the five people you associate with most often, it moves you to one side or the other.
You will have either positive or negative thoughts about them and that relationship moves us either forward or backward. There are rare instances when relationships have no impact. So let this serve as a reminder to us all. Pay attention to your circle and protect access to yourself. Every loss is not a loss. Think on that one.
And remember, I’m cheering for you always and I’m just a call or an email away.
Keisa Sharpe is a life coach, author and speaker. Her column appears each month online and in The Birmingham Times. You can contact Keisa at and visit for natural hair and body products.