Women’s History Month is a time to come together to celebrate and recognize the achievements and contributions of women throughout the years. For this Women’s History Month, we sat down with JPMorgan Chase’s Ashley V. Kelly, Vice President and Senior Business Consultant, who is based in Phoenix. We discussed her career journey and she shared tips on taking charge of your finances and other recommendations to achieve success.

What has been key to your success throughout your career? 

Throughout my career, to achieve success, I’ve stayed grounded in who I am, taken calculated risks and working with integrity at all times. I have also learned to take rejection with grace and to never let ego enter the conversation. Success is not always about the wins, but also the losses. The losses is where we grow the most and how we learn to persevere, which will help us in overcoming larger and more difficult moments. Success has many layers to it, and it’s not easy. But when you stay focused on your goals and continue work hard, success feels even more rewarding. I’m also aware of what my personal brand is – I want to come across to others a certain way so that my work ethic and values are always on display. I also make sure that when I show up or I speak about something, there is meaning and intention behind it. I treat everyone with respect, and I always try to meet new people – we all serve an important role within the firm’s structure and I can always learn from anyone and everyone. Lastly, I’m an active listener because it improves my communication skills and this is key to my success. 

Looking back, what is one thing you wish you knew when you were first starting out in your career?

Authenticity is a super power. It’s important to be yourself and be unique while embracing how different you may be. When I was younger, I gave myself grace and permission to make mistakes. When we make mistakes, we learn and grow. I’m also a staunch supporter of staying grounded in my faith during uncertain times. The road I’ve taken throughout my professional career took a lot of self-reflection, but it was the only way I was able to truly walk authentically in who I am, how I am and what I bring to the table. I also wish I knew that it takes time to build confidence and thick skin, because with these two components you can constantly and more easily evolve to embrace new challenges. 

What are some tips for women to take charge of their career and finances? 

Don’t let your voice be silenced, speak up and be bold. Let fear be a challenge, but not a block. Always stay true to yourself, don’t dim yourself to make others comfortable. Ask questions and stay curious, and don’t let lack of knowledge in certain areas define who you are.  Also, if you want to wear bright colors and fancy heels, do it and do it proudly! Remember to work in integrity, give more then you take and fight hard for your goals. Always create space for others around you and for those coming behind you. 

Who is a woman in your career who’s shaped you and how has that person inspired you?

My mother has shaped me into the person I am today. She taught me to be strong and persevere through any circumstance. To this day, she keeps me grounded and humble. She’s my biggest fan. My mother’s story wasn’t an easy one – she was a single parent working multiple jobs and attending school to provide a better life for her kids. Her strength was unparalleled. She comes from a line of strong women. My grandmother also has shaped me. My grandma taught me to have a strong work ethic and to achieve my goals. Hard work produces great results. Professionally, I have had the opportunity to work with a market director at Chase, Cherry Perez. She has been an inspirational leader who I’ve watched and learned from. She provides feedback that others simply won’t, and she does so with positivity. This approach helps me become the best version of myself. Perez is a phenomenal leader in the Arizona market, and I am grateful for her guidance. 

How can people get involved to celebrate and support women at work? 

JPMorgan Chase’s Women’s Leadership Day is one example of how we’re celebrating and supporting women at the firm. During the annual leadership conference dedicated to celebrating and empowering women, the firm brings together thousands of employees and clients in New York City and virtually around the globe. The event features prominent speakers across various industries to discuss issues disproportionately impacting women today — including career growth, entrepreneurship, financial health, allyship, representation in leadership, healthcare, and much more. 

For more inspiration, whether it’s to help advance your own career or support women in your field, explore JPMorgan Chase’s Women on the Move initiative by visiting jpmorganchase.com/impact/people/women-on-the-move.

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