By Tashi McQueen
AFRO Political Writer

Baltimore City State’s Attorney Ivan Bates announced on Feb. 20 that his Public Trust and Police Integrity Unit has indicted five law enforcement officers with various offenses in three separate cases. 

“Wearing the badge of law enforcement and protecting and serving the residents of Maryland is an honor and a privilege. The allegations outlined in these indictments show a complete disregard for upholding the integrity of the badge,” said Bates in a statement. “Creating a safer Maryland becomes all the more challenging when officers sworn to uphold the law commit criminal acts themselves.”

Case One 

In case one, a Baltimore City grand jury indicted Corporal Zachary James Small of the Baltimore County Police Department (BCoPD) on second-degree assault, reckless endangerment, excessive force and misconduct in office. 

The indictment of Small alleges that, on September 27, 2023, he, along with BCoPD officers Jacob Roos and Justin Graham-Moore, picked up a suspect at Johns Hopkins Hospital who had escaped police custody.

The cuffed individual allegedly told Small he couldn’t breathe in the back seat, as all the windows were rolled up. Small responded by threatening to pepper spray him. The argument escalated and Small sprayed nine shots of pepper spray into the suspect’s face. 

The suspect kicked the doors and yelled for the officers to help him, so Small pulled the individual out of the car by his shirt and threw him on the ground. While on the ground, Small grabbed the suspect’s hair and yanked his head and neck while the suspect continued to ask for help. 

Though the suspect asked not to be put back into the vehicle because he could not breathe, Small forced him back into the patrol vehicle.

The indictment alleged that Small did not call for medical help for the individual or give him aid. Small transported the suspect to Woodlawn Police Precinct in Baltimore County, Md.

Small’s indictment originally included one count of first-degree assault, but the state dismissed it before the announcement. 

“We believe we have the evidence to proceed on the remaining charges,” said Bates. 

Roos and Graham-Moore were indicted on misconduct in office for not intervening and assisting the arrested individual.

BCoPD has since released Small’s body camera footage from this incident.

Case Two 

In case two, Baltimore Police Department (BPD) officer Alexia Davis was indicted for a vehicle collision in June 2023 on Sinclair Road in Baltimore. She was indicted on misconduct in office, reckless driving, negligent driving, failure to control speed to avoid collision and driving an emergency vehicle without regard for safety.

Case Three 

In case three, BPD Detective June Hall was indicted on theft between $100 and $1500, theft scheme between $100 and $1500, false entries in public records and misconduct in office.  

The indictment alleges that in several instances, Hall falsely reported hours on her timesheet between March and May 2023 that she did not work while using BPD vehicles for personal matters.

“My administration will remain steadfast in its commitment to apply the law equally regardless of the offender, with the ultimate goal of achieving justice for victims and holding individuals accountable,” said Bates.

Tashi McQueen is a Report For America corps member.

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