by Jaleesa Robinson
t’s another weekday morning after a long weekend and you are tired. In fact, you are so tired, that you’re contemplating if you truly need that job or that degree, but you know you do. So what do you do every morning before work or school for a pick-me-up? You get yourself some coffee, that’s what. Whether you’re your own at-home barista or you go visit the one not too far from your home, coffee is your energizer and you need it. The same goes for tea lovers as well. Sometimes you need some help with your energy and the best way to get it is through a cup of coffee or tea. What happens when this cup turns into multiple cups throughout the day and during the week? Can that affect you negatively in some way? Well, unfortunately, one cup too many can damage your mouth in more ways than you think.
t’s not talked about nearly as much as coffee and how it ruins the enamel but tea is also a tooth stainer as well. Most herbal, black and green teas contain tannin which stains the teeth and gums.
How This Damage Affects Them Over Time
When drinking these two beverages often, over time they can cause staining and discoloration on your teeth because coffee stains your enamel.
They May Taste Great But What Are They Doing To Your Teeth?
There are many foods in this world that may stain your teeth and coffee is high up on that list. This drink is known for staining the enamel of your teeth over time, but did you know that tea is also a beverage that stains your teeth over time?
These two beverages can also cause bad breath and lead to Halitosis if you are constantly drinking them on an empty stomach.
How To Drink To Lower The Risk Of Damage To Your Teeth
Now you may not be able to give up tea and coffee cold turkey and no one expects you to. Drinking the two doesn’t have to stop completely but you can lower your intake of how many cups a day you drink.
Instead of having two to three cups of coffee or tea a day, try one to two. Adding a little milk or cream to your tea can help reduce the risk of staining over time. Skipping the sugar when making yourself a cup also helps with preventing decaying, erosion and bad breath. Drinking your coffee and tea with a straw or a lid can also be a great way to lower your risk of damaging your teeth. Also, drink the beverage in one sitting and do not sip it throughout the day. After you finish, drink a cup of water to rinse your mouth out.
Getting your teeth cleaned and whitened can help with the overall appearance as well. Visiting an orthodontist once a year can be helpful when assessing the damage and taking steps to fix it.
Are There Alternatives?
Besides not drinking the two, there aren’t many healthy alternatives that can reduce your risk of damage and still give you that kick you need. That’s why it’s important to learn how to drink these two beverages properly and follow the steps stated above.
Giving up coffee or tea is not easy nor is it doable for some, but as long as you know the damage it can cause in the future and take the necessary precautions to lower the risk, then you’re already a step ahead. So enjoy your cup, but make sure you do it correctly.