Story an photo submitted by Greg Miley, SON staff writer

Front row, left to right: Evangelist Charlie Jenkins, Rev. Vera Bell, Rev. Peggy Howard, Rev. Marticia Banks-Booker, Evan- gelist Marie Hunter, Rev. Dr. Brenda Furlow, Min. Barbara Davis; Back row, left to right: Rev. Joe Stevenson, Rev. Mar- vin Malone, Rev. Dr. Joey Simpson, Rev. Dr. Willie Robinson. Not pictured Rev. Julian Evans, Rev. Bernell Fontenot, Rev. Artis Jones, Rev. Corey Robinson, Rev. Robert Shanklin.

The Progressive Union M. B. Church honored their Associate Ministers on Sunday, October 23, 2022 at the 10:00 a.m. service.

October was Clergy Appreciation Month and the Pastor and congregation thanked their Associate Ministers for their support of Progressive Union Church and its ministries. Progressive Union is located at 1917 Brandontown Road, Huntsville, Alabama, Rev. Dion J. Watkins.

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