The Arizona USATF 58th Phoenix Invitational was April 1-2, at Mesa Community College. WIth more than 1,700 youth between ages 4 and 18 competing, teams were from Ar- izona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Texas, Washington, as well as unattached athletes from around the nation.

The AZ Cheetahs Track Club, which took first place in Relay competitions, particpated in: 11/12 Boys 4×2 Relay; 6 and un- der Relay 4×1; 9/10 Girls; 4×2 Relay; and 12/13 Girls 4×2 Relay.
The Arizona Cheetahs Youth Program was established in 1989 to mentor, teach and train youth. The program assists 200-300 youth ages 6-18 each year. It was developed to provide a positive environment and an alternative to the negative fac- tors facing today’s youth by Norine Richardson, a retired judge for the City of Mesa. This vision came to her while working as a prosecutor and seeing the youth come through the system.
Learn more at azcheetahstrackclub.com

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