By Catherine Pugh
Special to the AFRO

The 2024 Delta Authors on Tour, an initiative of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority’s National Arts and Letters Commission, will be making its Eastern Region stop in Baltimore on April 6.
The event will be hosted by three local alumnae chapters of the sorority, including the Baltimore City, Baltimore County and Baltimore Metropolitan alumnae chapters.
The event titled, “Elevating Your Mind Between The Lines,” will showcase nine Delta Sigma Theta authors at the Reginald F. Lewis Museum, 830 East Pratt St., on April 6 from 1-3 p.m. The event is free and open to the public.
Kellie Gowan, tri-chair of the Delta Authors On Tour event said, “It is an honor to be selected by the Eastern Region to host this exciting event in our city.”
“All three alumnae chapters have worked together to make this event possible,” she continued. “We look forward to welcoming these authors and sharing them and their books with Baltimore.”

The nine authors include Michelle Coles, author of “Black Was the Ink;” Diane Hamilton, author of “Maryville, The Audacity of People;” Vivian King, who wrote “When The Words Suddenly Stopped;” Marion Lane, author “Where Did We Come From: The Birth of Black America;” Daphne Maxwell Reid, author of “Doors;” Cicely Mitchell, with her book “The Travel Champion: A Four Step Guide to Traveling the World Solo, Safely And On A Budget;” Jayne Lynn Peabody Smith, author of “Heels Hearts and Halos: Lessons On My Journey;” Dawn Wayman, author of “Malcolm Who Will You Be?” and Terri Johnson, who penned the book, “Faith Alone.”
According to McGowan, “Each author’s book will be available for sale and signing.”