Sylvia Wong Lewis, Auntyland founder and director of the festival. (Courtesy Photo)
New festival celebrating aunts, women and girls everywhere
seeks short films from women and BIPOC indie filmmakers
NEW YORK (October 5, 2021)—Auntyland Film Festival (AFF) invites women and girl filmmakers to submit their creative work to its online film festival devoted to short films. The early bird deadline is October 15, 2021. The festival will run during Women’s History Month, March 2022.
“Aunties are unsung heroes who add a secret sauce that hold communities together,” said Sylvia Wong Lewis, Auntyland founder and director of the festival, which is part of a multidisciplinary arts platform that celebrates the important role of aunts in People of the Global Majority (PGM) communities. “Short films about any topic, not just aunties, are welcome including family, politics, sports, food, cooking, gardens, home, pets/animals, climate change, sustainability, LGBTQ themes, ‘Only in New York’ and more. Filmmakers are encouraged to bring a bold realness that aunties bring,” Lewis added.
The festival, a community and volunteer-based event in Tribeca, operates at the intersection of identity, gender and age. AFF is especially reaching out to Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC), aunties, and other underrepresented artists of all ages, according to Lewis, an award winning BIPOC filmmaker, journalist and community volunteer.
Important dates: early bird deadline: October 15, 2021; regular deadline: January 30, 2022; extended deadline: February 17, 2022; and notification date: February 24, 2022. The festival kicks off on International Women’s Day and runs through Women’s History Month: March 8 – March 31, 2022. The early bird fee is $20. The regular and extended fee is $25.
Auntyland Film Festival (AFF) is proudly sponsored by FilmFreeway, the world’s #1 way to enter film festivals and creative contests. To submit a film, visit:
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