By Howard Koplowitz

Alabama Democratic Party spokeswoman Sheena Gamble criticizes ALGOP Chairman John Wahl, highlighting his party’s unwavering support for a leader who incited the January 6th Capitol attack. (LinkedIn)

The Alabama Republican Party suggesting “inflammatory rhetoric” from “the Democratic Party and mainstream media” contributed to the assault of a Trump campaign volunteer in Limestone County over the weekend “is more than a bit rich,” the Alabama Democratic Party said Monday.

“The response from AL- GOP [Chairman] [John] Wahl is more than a bit rich considering his party’s slavish devotion to a man that does nothing but inflame, insult, and led the more harebrained of his followers to assault our nation’s capital on January 6, 2021,” Alabama Democratic Party spokeswoman Sheena Gamble told

“While civility in politics is important and the political violence is uncalled for, the attempts by Chairman Wahl to lay

this attack at the feet of Democrats and the media is pathetically ham-handed. Election workers who dared to defy Donald Trump’s ‘Big Lie’ have been defamed, threatened, and doxxed by his party’s supporters for more than three years now and the Republican Party’s entire identity these days is based upon soothing a narcissistic ex-President’s ego as he continues to rage, kick, scream, and insult his way through 91 felony charges and numerous trials,” Gamble said.

She said the party was “saddened to learn of Ms. Johnson’s injuries and sincerely wishes her well in her recovery.”

Gamble was responding to Wahl’s statement earlier Monday suggesting Democrats and the media were responsible for the attack on Tara Johnson.

“I call on the Democratic Party and mainstream media to cease their inflammatory rhetoric, which incites individuals against Donald Trump and his supporters,” Wahl said. “The relentless demonization and vilification of political opponents only serves to sow division and discord within our society. We can and should do better.”

Johnson, a Trump campaign volunteer in north Alabama, was attacked Saturday afternoon while leaving the Limestone County Trump campaign headquarters at 1117 U.S. Highway 72 East in Athens.

Meanwhile, Athens police said the only altercation they are investigating from Saturday stemmed from a road rage incident.

ALGOP Communications Director Jeannie Negrón Burniston said Johnson serves as the lead volunteer, despite facing physical mobility challenges due to health issues.

Johnson was in her vehicle, Burniston said, when the attacker grabbed her by the hair, repeatedly punched her in the face and slammed her head against the door of her truck.

A press release announcing the attack said the Alabama Republican Party “condemns in the strongest terms the apparent politically motivated attack” and said it has left members of the Limestone County GOP shaken.

“The attack on Tara Johnson is a disgraceful act of violence that has no place in our society. Having served alongside Tara on the Limestone County Executive Committee for many years, this is very personal to me,” said Wahl. “Tara is not just a volunteer; she is a kind and generous person who is always willing to lend a helping hand to anyone in need. We are heartbroken and outraged by this senseless act of violence against her.”

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