By Sarah Whites-Koditschek 

Sen. Arthur Orr, R-Decatur, chairman of the Senate’s education budget committee, talks about the $7.1 billion Education Trust Fund spending plan that passed on Thursday. (Mike Cason)

Alabama lawmakers are looking to bar undocumented immigrants with out-of-state licenses from driving legally in Alabama.

The new bill targets a class of licenses currently issued in just a few states.

Sponsor Sen. Arthur Orr, R-Decatur, said the bill, SB108, is based on similar legislation passed in Florida. He said while only a couple of states issue such driver’s licenses to undocumented people, that number may grow.

“They just have no documentation whatsoever,” he said of the immigrants who receive the licenses, “and as a means of identification here, to be allowed to drive here in Alabama, I don’t think we ought to allow it.”

In total, 19 states allow immigrants to receive driver’s licenses if they have documentation. The Alabama bill would void licenses in states that issue them to undocumented immigrants.

Drivers pulled over who have an invalid license would be issued a citation, under the bill.

Carlos Aleman, head of the Hispanic Interest Coalition of Alabama, said SB108 creates safety concerns, because it will result in undocumented drivers driving without licenses. He also raised concerns about the bill, if passed, leading to racial profiling.

“How would anyone reasonably suspect anyone is undocumented by just how they look?” he asked. “If the assumption is that folks who are undocumented happen to be Hispanic, that’s going to lead to a lot of folks being pulled over or being racially profiled.”

Orr said he thinks the legislation is aligned with the values of many Alabamians on immigration.

“I think a lot of people feel strongly about the status of our border, where you have numerous people coming across and there’s seemingly no control,” said Orr.

Aleman said he would like to see immigration policy in the United States focus on addressing root issues, like the need for a system to process claims for asylum seekers and a pathway for lawful entry.

“Alabama is focusing on issues that don’t necessarily make us safer, that don’t necessarily help us economically, and that again, are meant to distract more than lift up the state,” he said.

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