By AFRO Staff

The stage play, “Anatomy of Love,” has returned for a third year to the D.C., Maryland and Virginia (DMV) area. 

The musical, focused on the intricacies of love, life and relationship, is on its final run at the Bowie Center for the Performing Arts this weekend, with one show running July 14 at 7 p.m. and two shows on July 15, at both 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. 

The show focuses around the Phelps family, made up of the “Triple A Sisters”– one of which, Autumn, is soon to be married. In addition to the upcoming nuptials, older sister Angel and younger sister Alexis have their own careers and love lives to consider. 

Will Angel’s consulting firm make it to the big leagues? Will her husband take over the family repair business? Will Alexis be next up at the altar after Autumn? Or will her struggles with intimacy tank her chance at walking down the aisle? 

After arriving home, things don’t turn out like Autumn and her sisters plan, with love throwing twists and turns. Though they may not have it all figured out, they have the wisdom of Mama Phelps and the comical relief of Uncle Leroy to make it through the rough times.

This week, the AFRO sat down with Rickey Solomon II, “Anatomy of Love” writer and director to discuss the show and what his company, Solomon’s Word Theatre, has in store for the future. 

AFRO: What was the inspiration for “Anatomy of Love?”

RS: I wanted to remind people that love is the greatest gift that life can ever give- so why would you ever settle in that area? 

No matter your age, background or where you come from – you deserve to experience love. Whether it’s the relationship between you and your family, love from a romantic love that you’re in or the one that you hope to have– you should never settle in that area.

I looked around the world and I noticed people settling– standards were dropping. I wanted people to know that the love you desire is possible and it’s waiting for you. 

AFRO: What do you think is at the heart of challenges between men and women? 

RS: I think we move too fast when it comes to our relationships. I also think we have the wrong expectations. 

We get into relationships and what people overlook is that the same way  your heart has a rhythm, there is a rhythm to dating and our relationships. 

If we’re moving too fast we miss the signs that tell you “this is it” or “this is not it.”

Sometimes, your heart skips a beat and moves too fast- but if that happens too much, your heart will become damaged. 

I also think that a lot of times today we go into relationships thinking “what am i going to get out of this?” when we should go in with the mindset of “how can I serve this person?” If you ask any number of people who have been married a long amount of time they will tell you that marriage is service. 

AFRO: What do you want audience members to walk away with after the curtains close?

RS: I want people to walk away from this show and have those conversations with family members and their significant others. This show is about love, but it’s also about the bond with family. 

Whether it’s a conversation with your family, someone you’re dating or your spouse– I want to start conversations that help relationships.

I will continue writing about love, family, friendships and relationships– that’s my heart and that’s my goal as a writer. 

RS: Can you tell us about your writing process? 

I love people! I love interacting and hearing people tell their stories. This is the third mainstage show that I’ve written and every story has been inspired by someone’s actual life or several real life stories I’ve heard. 

The main premise of this show came to me quickly. 

I was on a train to New York and I met this lady- I had never seen her a day before in my life. 

We started talking. 

She told me a story that really resonated with me; about how she was engaged to someone, but had a friend that she had just met and her heart was torn between the two. She had made a commitment, but her heart was going a different way. 

It felt so genuine. It didn’t come off as “I have this person on the side and I’m cheating.” 

She was really torn. It was so authentic and genuine. 

The story got interrupted because she was at her stop. She got off the train and my brain started going. 

I began to create stories around her story. I had so many questions that I didn’t get to ask her. 

From that, I wondered how many other people find themselves in a situation that they’ve been in too long. I locked myself in for two weeks and got the story out– that had never happened before. 

That was the spark that birthed “Anatomy of Love.”

How many people are in a relationship that they know is wrong- that they know is not right, but they don’t know how to get out of it? 

Love is scary and vulnerable because you don’t know the outcome, but you can’t be afraid- don’t turn down love!

AFRO: What’s next for Solomon’s Word Theater? 

This is slated to be the last run of “Anatomy of Love,” but I love the holidays and I love Christmas. I’m finalizing a script now that I want to bring out in early December. We will be singing some of our favorite Christmas songs and then in 2024 we will be back! We have a residency with Bowie Center for the Performing Arts. 

AFRO: What advice do you have to other playwrights?

RS: I don’t want to be stereotypical– but don’t give up! I think that if you continue to hone your craft there is space for your voice to be heard and for your story to be heard. One of the greatest pieces of success is consistency. People saw me doing this when Carl Felton III and I launched this company in 2015 with $700. 

We’ve grown so much since then! They ignored us then, but now they see the growth.

Be consistent and don’t give up! 

For more information on Solomon’s Word Theatre, please visit

To purchase tickets to see “Anatomy of Love” please visit

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