Special to Speakin’ Out News

Alabama Democratic Party Chair Randy Kelley speaks to a crowd during the statewide convention in Montgomery on Oct. 14. (photo credit: Sarah Swetlik)

Editor’s Note: In an exclusive statement provided to Speakin’ Out News, Rev. Dr. Randy B. Kelley, Chairman of the Alabama Democratic Party, responded directly to the concerns raised by political luminary Dr. Joe L. Reed. Addressing the critical issue of political representation in Alabama’s Second Congressional District race, Dr. Kelley stresses the importance of genuine advocacy and activism in ensuring equitable representation for the Black community.


Dr. Joe L. Reed is a political legend in the State of Alabama. As Blacks ,we have as much political representation as we do because of Dr. Joe L Reed’s advocacy and activism. Dr. Joe Reed has a valid concern about the congressional district two candidates whom conservative organizations are heavily financing. This is important because, as Black people, we have had to be culturally paranoid to survive. In addition, we have had to fight for everything we have.

For many years, have had too politicians who have walked a tightrope between our adversaries, money, and popularity. In this process, we tend to receive ineffective Ken representation.

In far too many cases, we have had political representation that suffers from what Paulo Freire called cultural invasion in his book, “The Pedagogy of the Oppressed.” To paraphrase Freire, he says cultural invasion occurs when the enemy’s mind gets in your mind and is stronger than your mind. As a result, you fight against the people who are fighting for you. This is similar to what the South African Freedom Fighter Steve Biko said, “The greatest weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed.”

That is why sometimes the most vicious enemy Black people have to fight looks like them. This is the case with Clarence Thomas, Ben Carson, and Tim Scott. Every Black person in America should be ashamed of Tim Scott’s buffoonery on national television when he told Donald Trump, “I jus love you.”

I have witnessed Anthon Daniels work in our community. However, Shomar Figures also has the potential to be an excellent congressman. We need congressman to serve our people with dignity. We hav been sold out too often an too long. We need a member of Congress who know who they ought to be fight ing for and who they ought to be fighting against.

Keep the Faith,
Rev. Dr. Randy B. Kelley Alabama Democratic Party Chairman

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