Imagine if Trump wins

Trump has won the election. Imagine, if you will, that we’re all living in a post-Project 2025 world.
On January 20, 2025, the day of his inauguration, Trump summarily fires dozens of civilian employees at nearly every government agency. He has replaced them with “Trump” loyalists, who are in truth Christo-Fascist, Neo-Nazi loyalists.
Every government agency you can think of has been shuttered or privatized. Obamacare is replaced with something that benefits fewer people at a higher cost with lower levels of benefit.
We all know that once a government agency is privatized, corporate greed sets in and services are eliminated and made more difficult to obtain or collect on. The driving motivation becomes profit, even to the point of bleeding the agency dry of funds and shutting it down. The profit has been made.
Your local police have been weaponized to work for the President and to carry out his bidding. The FBI and DOJ have as well. Robert Reich, professor and former Secretary of Labor, says that page 150 of Project 2025 calls for local police to become deputized agents of Trump’s agenda.
“Image if your local cops were taking their orders directly from Donald Trump. Would you feel safe?”
Now, even though you comply with the recommendations of “the talk,” you’re no longer safer if stopped. You’re a member of a targeted demographic, and in a world where the hierarchy begins with the president and ends with you, the worst imaginable situation for all of us.
This could be your day post-Project 2025:
6:00 am.
You wake and get ready for work (if you’re lucky enough to have a job). You make short cup of coffee because Trump’s tariffs have made coffee and all imports incredibly expensive. You think back to the 2021-2024 timeframe when you thought inflation was bad.
The coffee tastes funny. People are saying it’s because the fracking in the next county over has reached your water aquifer and left unknown chemicals.
You keep as much bottled water on hand as you can afford, because you don’t want to drink the tap water.
The deck you started out back will never be finished, because you can’t afford the wood. Tariffs again.
6:45 am.
Your elderly mother calls. She has cut her insulin injections to half because the $35 dollars a month price the Biden-Harris administration negotiated was lifted, and insulin is again causing her to pay upwards of $1000 per month. And you know she’s eating more processed, sugary and fatty foods because they’re cheaper.
She can’t afford her other medications. She has too much retirement income to qualify for Medicaid but that wouldn’t matter much since the loyalists reduced payments to doctors and hospitals and they won’t take it as insurance anymore. Same for Medicare.
She fills the one for high blood pressure but not the cholesterol medication. She complains about how cold it is in her home, because she can’t afford to raise the thermostat. You can’t help; your house is cold, too.
You think back to last summer and try to be thankful that it’s cold and not 115° for months on end with power rationing because the Department of Energy (DOE) was privatized and now electricity is a privilege, not a service to citizens.
7:00 am.
You leave for work and wear a mask because the outdoor air is bad for you. The EPA was taken over by loyalists, and being loyal to corporations, they lifted safeguards that have been around for 70 years.
You live near an industrial battery plant, and their by-product chemicals are burned off. Other wastes are dumped in the nearby lake that used to be so beautiful.
You wonder again if that’s why your neighbor has a brain tumor, and whether your family is threatened by cancer because of where you live. There’s no longer a way to sue for a remedy; the courts are no longer unbiased, rather are controlled by the DOJ, which answers to the president, who answers to the corporations.
7:01 am.
It rained last night and it’s cold out. You don’t know how cold because Trump closed the National Weather Service (we can’t have global warming information generated and tracked in a fascist autocracy) and no alerts came out about the freezing rain. Nor will any come out next spring when deadly tornados rage.
You pull out of your driveway and realize that what you were seeing is black ice, not just wet streets. You collide with your mailbox and knock over a small tree, praying that your car will still be drivable, because the insurance company no longer must answer to the Consumer Protection Agency, which no longer enforces federal regulations.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has been privatized and is now run by companies who have a vested interest in not being truthful about global warming; its research is harmful on US prosperity re: human-caused climate change.
Getting out of your car to go back in the house, you slip on the driveway ice and think you may have broken your arm. If you can get to the Emergency Room, you’ll wait most of the day to be seen and treated. You won’t be able to afford the bill that comes in.
10:45 am.
Your sister calls…your niece was gang-raped and impregnated at her middle school months ago. She can’t terminate the resulting pregnancy because of the total, nearly no-exceptions national abortion ban. She’s 13 and had a bright and promising future before this senseless crime, but now she stays in bed crying all the time. She’s a shell of her former self.
Her attackers will likely never be prosecuted, because in Trump’s America, the primary focus is on more babies, whatever the cost for the mother and existing children.
Birth control has been outlawed, and you’ve heard of women dying rather than carry a pregnancy to term. Dangerous back-alley and self-abortions rise dramatically, often resulting in fatal complications. Implementation of Project 2025 has brought back coat hangers and knitting needles.
Don’t believe these were the instruments of abortion before it was legalized? Ask the oldest person you know.
This day is to be continued
This is not the time to be indecisive about your vote; to think – to even say – that you don’t know Kamala’s qualifications. You already know Trump’s qualifications. And his deficiencies.
We each need to not just resolve to vote, but to take others with us, and most importantly, reach out to other voters in swing states. Check with your local party for GOTV activities, locally, and in US House District 2 (Shomari Figures).
Go to to see where you can help in a swing state. You’ll be able to choose what you do and when you do it.
Don’t wake up on November 6th and wish you’d done more.
Next week, “A Day in your Life” Part 2. We’re not done with the darkness of Project 2025.