By Cindi Branham

I’m having trouble accepting the fact that the country elected a pair of monsters for the leadership of this country, and the world. Yes, monsters.

I can’t believe that some sat it out or cast protest votes while they allowed others to make the decision for them

Not after many told them what they would do in office, and how it would affect them. Now we all get to see how, when, and what atrocities come out of our federal government.

Did so many of us forget Trump’s first term so completely that we acted in a void and allowed him to take over again? Did we unwittingly ensure that Trump and all Trumpers take the election to be a mandate for them to begin to put Project 2025 into effect?

You could say it will go either way:  The Republicans in charge begin their enactment of Project 2025, or they prove to be too dysfunctional to accomplish anything. You could, but Trump’s cabinet appointments prove otherwise.

Checks and balances went out the window when we elected a Republican House, Senate and president. The Supreme Court and many Federal Courts can be counted on to fully support Trump’s desires. They’ve already proven that point.

Trump and Senate Republicans could find ways to make the appointments breeze through as acting by making them recess appointments, thus making them all “acting” secretaries.

They will sit in the cabinet seats and do what they’re told, because resisting Trump will be professional suicide for them. They are there – in fact – only because they’ve pledged their loyalty to Trump and his plans.

Another caveat of having a certain level of “acting” positions in these seats is the advantage it gives Trump:  Acting secretaries can’t vote to enact Amendment 25 to keep the president in check. This is a remedy for leadership when the president is, for one of several reasons, no longer capable of leading.

Not exactly what the Founding Fathers had in mind, but in their day, oligarchies didn’t exist. What they tried to protect the country from looked more like a dictatorship or monarchy. Trump is taking us towards oligarchy, with himself at the head. From Webster’s Dictionary:

ol·i·gar·chy  noun


1. government by the few
The corporation is ruled by oligarchy)

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