By multiple measures, the Birmingham area has seen dramatic declines in unemployment since the pandemic. (Adobe Stock)
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Lead Painter
BJCC, is recruiting for a 1) 1. Lead Painter for information & to apply visit or send resume to /fax resume 205-458-8530.
CASE NO. CV-2024-904033
TO: ESTATE OF JAMES R. WALTON; REGINA B. WALTON; CITY OF BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA; J.T. SMALLWOOD, JEFFERSON COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR; AND JEFFERSON COUNTY, ALABAMA, and any and all other unknown heirs, claimants or interested parties claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or interest in the real estate described herein,
TAKE NOTICE that on October 9, 2024, the Birmingham Land Bank Authority filed the above-styled Complaint and the Land Bank asserts that it has recorded notice of a pending quiet title and foreclosure action in the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Alabama concerning the rights and/or interests in the following real property:
Lots 1 and 2, Block E, according to the Survey of Mary E. Gallagher’s Subdivision, Birmingham, as recorded in Map Book 4 Page 74 in the Probate Office of Jefferson County, Alabama; being situated in Jefferson County, Alabama.
It appears said legal is the same as that certain legal described in Instrument Number 2024057632 as follows: LOTS 1 & 2 BLK 3 MARY E GALLAGHER MAP OF WEST HIGHLAND ADD TO PRATT CITY
and assigned Parcel ID No. 22-00-19-3-001-091.000
ANY PERSON WITH A PROPERTY INTEREST IN THE ABOVE PROPERTY IS HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THEY MAY LOSE SUCH INTEREST, IF ANY, AS A RESULT OF THE ABOVE-REFERENCED QUIET TITLE AND FORECLOSURE ACTION. The final hearing on this quiet title and foreclosure action is hereby set for April 11, 2025, in Room 340, Jefferson County Courthouse in Birmingham, Alabama at 10:00 a.m. The judgment of the Court may result in title to the property vesting in the Birmingham Land Bank Authority. Any person who proves to the Court’s satisfaction a right to redeem the property pursuant to Alabama Code §§ 40-10-73 (1975) et seq. or Alabama Code §§ 40-10-83 (1975) et seq. may redeem the property pursuant to those statutes within five (5) days after the appropriate Order on Final Hearing is issued. FAILURE TO REDEEM THE PROPERTY AND PRESENT PROOF OF REDEMPTION TO THE CIRCUIT COURT WITHIN THE 5-DAY PERIOD MAY RESULT IN A LOSS OF THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION.
The address of the Birmingham Land Bank Authority is City Hall, 710 North 20th St, Birmingham, AL 35203. The Birmingham Land Bank Authority may be contacted care of Jake A. Kiser at (205) 918-5037.
IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED by the undersigned Clerk of Court that publication of this notice be made once a week for three consecutive weeks in the Birmingham Times, a newspaper of general circulation in Jefferson County, Alabama, and that all persons to whom this notice is addressed and any and all persons claiming any title to, interest in, or lien or encumbrance on the above-described land or any part thereof are hereby directed to plead, answer or otherwise respond to the Complaint in this case before the hearing date or a judgment by default may be rendered against them it being intended that this notice shall be used to perfect service against all parties who cannot be personally served with a copy of the Complaint.
CASE NO. CV-2024-904715
TO: P.M.S. ONE MANAGEMENT CO., INC.; SB HOLDINGS, LLC; GREEN TREE – AL LLC; J.T. SMALLWOOD, JEFFERSON COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR; JEFFERSON COUNTY, ALABAMA; CITY OF BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA; and any and all other unknown heirs, claimants or interested parties claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or interest in the real estate described herein,
TAKE NOTICE that on November 20, 2024, the Birmingham Land Bank Authority filed the above-styled Complaint, and the Land Bank asserts that it has recorded notice of a pending quiet title and foreclosure action in the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Alabama concerning the rights and/or interests in the following real property:
Property Address: 2729 Lawn Avenue Southwest, Birmingham, Alabama 35211
Tax Parcel ID No.: 01-29-00-20-2-008-007.000
Legal Description: Lot 3, in Block 8, according to the Survey of Park Lawn, as recorded in Map Book 5, Page 91, in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Jefferson County, Alabama, situated in Jefferson County, Alabama (It appears said legal is the same as that certain legal described in Instrument No. 2016085156 as follows: LOT 3 BLK 8 PARK LAWN)
ANY PERSON WITH A PROPERTY INTEREST IN THE ABOVE PROPERTY IS HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THEY MAY LOSE SUCH INTEREST, IF ANY, AS A RESULT OF THE ABOVE-REFERENCED QUIET TITLE AND FORECLOSURE ACTION. The final hearing on this quiet title and foreclosure action is hereby set for May 5, 2025, in Room 360, Jefferson County Courthouse in Birmingham, Alabama at 10:00 A.M. The judgment of the Court may result in title to the property vesting in the Birmingham Land Bank Authority. Any person who proves to the Court’s satisfaction a right to redeem the property pursuant to Alabama Code §§ 40-10-73 (1975) et seq. or Alabama Code §§ 40-10-83 (1975) et seq. may redeem the property pursuant to those statutes within five (5) days after the appropriate Order on Final Hearing is issued. FAILURE TO REDEEM THE PROPERTY AND PRESENT PROOF OF REDEMPTION TO THE CIRCUIT COURT WITHIN THE 5-DAY PERIOD MAY RESULT IN A LOSS OF THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION.
The address of the Birmingham Land Bank Authority is City Hall, 710 North 20th St., Birmingham, AL 35203. The Birmingham Land Bank Authority may be contacted care of Cherokee W. Wooley, Law Offices of Thomas J. Skinner, IV, LLC, at (205) 802-2545.
IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED by the undersigned Clerk of Court that publication of this notice be made once a week for three consecutive weeks in the Birmingham Times, a newspaper of general circulation in Jefferson County, Alabama, and that all persons to whom this notice is addressed and any and all persons claiming any title to, interest in, or lien or encumbrance on the above-described land or any part thereof are hereby directed to plead, answer or otherwise respond to the Complaint in this cause before the hearing date or a judgment by default may be rendered against them it being intended that this notice shall be used to perfect service against all parties who cannot be personally served with a copy of the Complaint.
CASE NO. CV-2024-904717
TAKE NOTICE that on November 20, 2024, the Birmingham Land Bank Authority filed the above-styled Complaint, and the Land Bank asserts that it has recorded notice of a pending quiet title and foreclosure action in the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Alabama concerning the rights and/or interests in the following real property:
Property Address: 645 Alabama Avenue Southwest, Birmingham, Alabama 35211
Tax Parcel ID No.: 01-29-00-03-2-016-011.000
Legal Description: Lot 20, in Block 10, according to the Survey of Kenilworth, as recorded in Book 5, Page 93, in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Jefferson County, Alabama, situated in Jefferson County, Alabama (It appears said legal is the same as that certain legal described in Instrument No. 2018031059 as follows: LOT 20 BLK 10 KENILWORTH)
ANY PERSON WITH A PROPERTY INTEREST IN THE ABOVE PROPERTY IS HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THEY MAY LOSE SUCH INTEREST, IF ANY, AS A RESULT OF THE ABOVE-REFERENCED QUIET TITLE AND FORECLOSURE ACTION. The final hearing on this quiet title and foreclosure action is hereby set for May 5, 2025, in Room 360, Jefferson County Courthouse in Birmingham, Alabama at 10:00 A.M. The judgment of the Court may result in title to the property vesting in the Birmingham Land Bank Authority. Any person who proves to the Court’s satisfaction a right to redeem the property pursuant to Alabama Code §§ 40-10-73 (1975) et seq. or Alabama Code §§ 40-10-83 (1975) et seq. may redeem the property pursuant to those statutes within five (5) days after the appropriate Order on Final Hearing is issued. FAILURE TO REDEEM THE PROPERTY AND PRESENT PROOF OF REDEMPTION TO THE CIRCUIT COURT WITHIN THE 5-DAY PERIOD MAY RESULT IN A LOSS OF THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION.
The address of the Birmingham Land Bank Authority is City Hall, 710 North 20th St., Birmingham, AL 35203. The Birmingham Land Bank Authority may be contacted care of Cherokee W. Wooley, Law Offices of Thomas J. Skinner, IV, LLC, at (205) 802-2545.
IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED by the undersigned Clerk of Court that publication of this notice be made once a week for three consecutive weeks in the Birmingham Times, a newspaper of general circulation in Jefferson County, Alabama, and that all persons to whom this notice is addressed and any and all persons claiming any title to, interest in, or lien or encumbrance on the above-described land or any part thereof are hereby directed to plead, answer or otherwise respond to the Complaint in this cause before the hearing date or a judgment by default may be rendered against them it being intended that this notice shall be used to perfect service against all parties who cannot be personally served with a copy of the Complaint.
CASE NO. CV-2024-904721.00
TAKE NOTICE that on November 20, 2024, the Birmingham Land Bank Authority filed the above-styled Complaint, and the Land Bank asserts that it has recorded notice of a pending quiet title and foreclosure action in the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Alabama concerning the rights and/or interests in the following real property:
Address: 1611 Avenue D, Birmingham, Alabama 35218
Tax Parcel ID No.: 01-22-00-31-2-015-003.000
Legal Description: Lots 5 and 6, in Block 16-D, according to the map and survey of Ensley, as recorded in Map Book 4, Page 3, in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Jefferson County, Alabama, situated in Jefferson County, Alabama (It appears said legal is the same as that certain legal described in Instrument No. 2022028808 as follows: LOTS 5 & 6 BLK 16-D ENSLEY)
ANY PERSON WITH A PROPERTY INTEREST IN THE ABOVE PROPERTY IS HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THEY MAY LOSE SUCH INTEREST, IF ANY, AS A RESULT OF THE ABOVE-REFERENCED QUIET TITLE AND FORECLOSURE ACTION. The final hearing on this quiet title and foreclosure action is hereby set for May 5, 2025, in Room 360, Jefferson County Courthouse in Birmingham, Alabama at 10:00 A.M. The judgment of the Court may result in title to the property vesting in the Birmingham Land Bank Authority. Any person who proves to the Court’s satisfaction a right to redeem the property pursuant to Alabama Code §§ 40-10-73 (1975) et seq. or Alabama Code §§ 40-10-83 (1975) et seq. may redeem the property pursuant to those statutes within five (5) days after the appropriate Order on Final Hearing is issued. FAILURE TO REDEEM THE PROPERTY AND PRESENT PROOF OF REDEMPTION TO THE CIRCUIT COURT WITHIN THE 5-DAY PERIOD MAY RESULT IN A LOSS OF THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION.
The address of the Birmingham Land Bank Authority is City Hall, 710 North 20th St., Birmingham, AL 35203. The Birmingham Land Bank Authority may be contacted care of Cherokee W. Wooley, Law Offices of Thomas J. Skinner, IV, LLC, at (205) 802-2545.
IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED by the undersigned Clerk of Court that publication of this notice be made once a week for three consecutive weeks in the Birmingham Times, a newspaper of general circulation in Jefferson County, Alabama, and that all persons to whom this notice is addressed and any and all persons claiming any title to, interest in, or lien or encumbrance on the above-described land or any part thereof are hereby directed to plead, answer or otherwise respond to the Complaint in this cause before the hearing date or a judgment by default may be rendered against them it being intended that this notice shall be used to perfect service against all parties who cannot be personally served with a copy of the Complaint.
CASE NO. CV-2024-905114.00
TO: KIMBERLEE FRANCIS PARKER a/k/a KIM PARKER; RODERICK L. JACKSON a/k/a ROGERS L. JACKSON; THE PARKER COMPANY, L.L.C.; STATE OF ALABAMA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE; J.T. SMALLWOOD, JEFFERSON COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR; JEFFERSON COUNTY, ALABAMA; CITY OF BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA; and any and all other unknown heirs, claimants or interested parties claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or interest in the real estate described herein,
TAKE NOTICE that on December 16, 2024, the Birmingham Land Bank Authority filed the above-styled Complaint, and the Land Bank asserts that it has recorded notice of a pending quiet title and foreclosure action in the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Alabama concerning the rights and/or interests in the following real property:
Property Address: 406 4th Avenue South, Birmingham, Alabama 35205
Tax Parcel ID No.: 01-29-00-02-3-004-020.000
Legal Description: East 25 feet of West 100 feet of Lots 19 and 20, in Block 2, according to the Survey of Elyton Highlands, as recorded in Map Book 8, Page 94, situated in the City of Birmingham, Jefferson County, Alabama (It appears said legal is the same as that certain legal described in Instrument No. 2017106684 as follows: E 25 FT OF W 100 FT OF LOTS 19 & 20 BLK 2 ELYTON HGLDS)
ANY PERSON WITH A PROPERTY INTEREST IN THE ABOVE PROPERTY IS HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THEY MAY LOSE SUCH INTEREST, IF ANY, AS A RESULT OF THE ABOVE-REFERENCED QUIET TITLE AND FORECLOSURE ACTION. The final hearing on this quiet title and foreclosure action is hereby set for May 5, 2025, in Room 360, Jefferson County Courthouse in Birmingham, Alabama at 10:00 A.M. The judgment of the Court may result in title to the property vesting in the Birmingham Land Bank Authority. Any person who proves to the Court’s satisfaction a right to redeem the property pursuant to Alabama Code §§ 40-10-73 (1975) et seq. or Alabama Code §§ 40-10-83 (1975) et seq. may redeem the property pursuant to those statutes within five (5) days after the appropriate Order on Final Hearing is issued. FAILURE TO REDEEM THE PROPERTY AND PRESENT PROOF OF REDEMPTION TO THE CIRCUIT COURT WITHIN THE 5-DAY PERIOD MAY RESULT IN A LOSS OF THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION.
The address of the Birmingham Land Bank Authority is City Hall, 710 North 20th St., Birmingham, AL 35203. The Birmingham Land Bank Authority may be contacted care of Cherokee W. Wooley, Law Offices of Thomas J. Skinner, IV, LLC, at (205) 802-2545.
IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED by the undersigned Clerk of Court that publication of this notice be made once a week for three consecutive weeks in the Birmingham Times, a newspaper of general circulation in Jefferson County, Alabama, and that all persons to whom this notice is addressed and any and all persons claiming any title to, interest in, or lien or encumbrance on the above-described land or any part thereof are hereby directed to plead, answer or otherwise respond to the Complaint in this cause before the hearing date or a judgment by default may be rendered against them it being intended that this notice shall be used to perfect service against all parties who cannot be personally served with a copy of the Complaint.
CASE NO. CV-2024-904648
TO: WILL SHUFFORD; VIOLA SHUFFORD; PATRICIA ANN S. WILLIAMS; CITY OF BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA; J.T. SMALLWOOD, JEFFERSON COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR; AND JEFFERSON COUNTY, ALABAMA, and any and all other unknown heirs, claimants or interested parties claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or interest in the real estate described herein,
TAKE NOTICE that on November 18, 2024, the Birmingham Land Bank Authority filed the above-styled Complaint and the Land Bank asserts that it has recorded notice of a pending quiet title and foreclosure action in the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Alabama concerning the rights and/or interests in the following real property:
Lots 1 and 2, in Block D, according to the Survey of Gallagher’s Map of West Highland Addition to Pratt City as recorded in Map Book 4, Page 74, in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Jefferson County, Alabama.
It appears said legal is the same as that certain legal described in Instrument Number 2024057633 as follows: LOTS 1 & 2 BLK D GALLAGHER SUB
and assigned Parcel ID No. 22-00-19-3-001-098.000
ANY PERSON WITH A PROPERTY INTEREST IN THE ABOVE PROPERTY IS HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THEY MAY LOSE SUCH INTEREST, IF ANY, AS A RESULT OF THE ABOVE-REFERENCED QUIET TITLE AND FORECLOSURE ACTION. The final hearing on this quiet title and foreclosure action is hereby set for May 5, 2025, in Room 360, Jefferson County Courthouse in Birmingham, Alabama at 10:00 a.m. The judgment of the Court may result in title to the property vesting in the Birmingham Land Bank Authority. Any person who proves to the Court’s satisfaction a right to redeem the property pursuant to Alabama Code §§ 40-10-73 (1975) et seq. or Alabama Code §§ 40-10-83 (1975) et seq. may redeem the property pursuant to those statutes within five (5) days after the appropriate Order on Final Hearing is issued. FAILURE TO REDEEM THE PROPERTY AND PRESENT PROOF OF REDEMPTION TO THE CIRCUIT COURT WITHIN THE 5-DAY PERIOD MAY RESULT IN A LOSS OF THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION.
The address of the Birmingham Land Bank Authority is City Hall, 710 North 20th St, Birmingham, AL 35203. The Birmingham Land Bank Authority may be contacted care of Jake A. Kiser at (205) 918-5037.
IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED by the undersigned Clerk of Court that publication of this notice be made once a week for three consecutive weeks in the Birmingham Times, a newspaper of general circulation in Jefferson County, Alabama, and that all persons to whom this notice is addressed and any and all persons claiming any title to, interest in, or lien or encumbrance on the above-described land or any part thereof are hereby directed to plead, answer or otherwise respond to the Complaint in this case before the hearing date or a judgment by default may be rendered against them it being intended that this notice shall be used to perfect service against all parties who cannot be personally served with a copy of the Complaint.
CASE NO. CV-2024-904564
TO: INVESTORS REAL ESTATE SERVICE CO., INC.; NEW SOUTH REALTY, INC.; TRANTHAM ENTERPRISES, INC.; CITY OF BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA; J.T. SMALLWOOD, JEFFERSON COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR; AND JEFFERSON COUNTY, ALABAMA, and any and all other unknown heirs, claimants or interested parties claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or interest in the real estate described herein,
TAKE NOTICE that on November 12, 2024, the Birmingham Land Bank Authority filed the above-styled Complaint and the Land Bank asserts that it has recorded notice of a pending quiet title and foreclosure action in the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Alabama concerning the rights and/or interests in the following real property:
Lots One, Two and Three, in Block B, according to Gallagher’s Map of West Highland Addition to Pratt City, Alabama, as recorded in Map Book 4, Page 74, in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Jefferson County, Alabama.
It appears said legal is the same as that certain legal described in Instrument Number 2024057636 as follows: LOT 1 2 3 BLK B MARY E GALLAGHER ADD LOTS 1 2 & 3 MARY E GALLAGHERS MAP OF WEST HIGHLAND ADD TO PRATT CITY
and assigned Parcel ID No. 22-00-19-3-008-004.000
ANY PERSON WITH A PROPERTY INTEREST IN THE ABOVE PROPERTY IS HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THEY MAY LOSE SUCH INTEREST, IF ANY, AS A RESULT OF THE ABOVE-REFERENCED QUIET TITLE AND FORECLOSURE ACTION. The final hearing on this quiet title and foreclosure action is hereby set for May 5, 2025, in Room 360, Jefferson County Courthouse in Birmingham, Alabama at 10:00 a.m. The judgment of the Court may result in title to the property vesting in the Birmingham Land Bank Authority. Any person who proves to the Court’s satisfaction a right to redeem the property pursuant to Alabama Code §§ 40-10-73 (1975) et seq. or Alabama Code §§ 40-10-83 (1975) et seq. may redeem the property pursuant to those statutes within five (5) days after the appropriate Order on Final Hearing is issued. FAILURE TO REDEEM THE PROPERTY AND PRESENT PROOF OF REDEMPTION TO THE CIRCUIT COURT WITHIN THE 5-DAY PERIOD MAY RESULT IN A LOSS OF THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION.
The address of the Birmingham Land Bank Authority is City Hall, 710 North 20th St, Birmingham, AL 35203. The Birmingham Land Bank Authority may be contacted care of Jake A. Kiser at (205) 918-5037.
IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED by the undersigned Clerk of Court that publication of this notice be made once a week for three consecutive weeks in the Birmingham Times, a newspaper of general circulation in Jefferson County, Alabama, and that all persons to whom this notice is addressed and any and all persons claiming any title to, interest in, or lien or encumbrance on the above-described land or any part thereof are hereby directed to plead, answer or otherwise respond to the Complaint in this case before the hearing date or a judgment by default may be rendered against them it being intended that this notice shall be used to perfect service against all parties who cannot be personally served with a copy of the Complaint.
CASE NO. CV-2024-905116.00
TAKE NOTICE that on December 16, 2024, the Birmingham Land Bank Authority filed the above-styled Complaint and the Land Bank asserts that it has recorded notice of a pending quiet title and foreclosure action in the Probate Court of Jefferson County, Alabama concerning the rights and/or interests in the following real property:
Property Address: 3407 33rd Terrace North, Birmingham, Alabama 35207
Tax Parcel ID No.: 01-22-00-13-4-001-005.0000
Legal Description: Lot 9 in Block 1, in the survey of Douglasville, as recorded in the Map Book 5, Page 119 in the Probate Office of Jefferson County, Alabama, situated in Jefferson County, Alabama (It appears said legal is the same as the certain Legal described in Instrument No. 2022101001 as follows: LOT 9 BLK 1 DOUGLASVILLE)
ANY PERSON WITH A PROPERTY INTEREST IN THE ABOVE PROPERTY IS HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THEY MAY LOSE SUCH INTEREST, IF ANY, AS A RESULT OF THE ABOVE-REFERENCED QUIET TITLE AND FORECLOSURE ACTION. The final hearing on this quiet title and foreclosure action is hereby set for May 5, 2025, in Room 360, Jefferson County Courthouse in Birmingham, Alabama at 10:00 a.m. The judgment of the Court may result in title to the property vesting in the Birmingham Land Bank Authority. Any person who proves to the Court’s satisfaction a right to redeem the property pursuant to Alabama Code §§ 40-10-73 (1975) et seq. or Alabama Code §§ 40-10-83 (1975) et seq. may redeem the property pursuant to those statutes within five (5) days after the appropriate Order on Final Hearing is issued. FAILURE TO REDEEM THE PROPERTY AND PRESENT PROOF OF REDEMPTION TO THE CIRCUIT COURT WITHIN THE 5-DAY PERIOD MAY RESULT IN A LOSS OF THE RIGHT OF REDEMPTION.
The address of the Birmingham Land Bank Authority is City Hall, 710 North 20th St, Birmingham, AL 35203. The Birmingham Land Bank Authority may be contacted care of Cherokee W. Wooley, Law Offices of Thomas J. Skinner, IV, LLC, at (205) 802-2545.
IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED by the undersigned Clerk of Court that publication of this notice be made once a week for three consecutive weeks in the Birmingham Times, a newspaper of general circulation in Jefferson County, Alabama, and that all persons to whom this notice is addressed and any and all persons claiming any title to, interest in, or lien or encumbrance on the above-described land or any part thereof are hereby directed to plead, answer or otherwise respond to the Complaint in this case before the hearing date or a judgment by default may be rendered against them it being intended that this notice shall be used to perfect service against all parties who cannot be personally served with a copy of the Complaint.
Notice of Completion
8.H. Craig Construction, LLC hereby gives notice of the completion of the contract with Jefferson County Environmental Services Dept. for Jefferson County 2019 Pump Station Upgrades and has requested final payment. This notice will appear for four consecutive weeks beginning 2/06/2025 and ending on 2/27/2025. All claims against this work should be filed immediately with Garver at 2111Parkway Office Circle, Suite 100, Birmingham, AL 35244 and B.H. Craig Construction, LLC at 835 Wall Street, Florence, AL 35630.
B.H. Craig Construction, LLC
Notice of Completion
B.H. Craig Construction, LLC hereby gives notice of the completion of the contract with Jefferson County Environmental Services Dept. for Newfound Creek No.1 & No.2 Pump Station Improvements and has requested final payment. This notice will appear for four consecutive weeks beginning 2/06/2025 and ending on 2/27/2025. All claims against this work should be filed immediately with Garver at 2111Parkway Office Circle, Suite 100, Birmingham, AL 35244 and B.H. Craig Construction, LLC at 835 Wall Street, Florence, AL 35630.
B.H. Craig Construction, LLC
Notice of Completion
B.H. Craig Construction, LLC hereby gives notice of the completion of the contract with Jefferson County Environmental Services Dept. for Five Mile Creek WRF Influent Pump Station & Automation Improvements and has requested final payment. This notice will appear for four consecutive weeks beginning 2/06/2025 and ending on 2/27/2025. All claims against this work should be filed immediately with Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc. at 2112 Eleventh Avenue South, Suite 320, Birmingham AL 35205 and
B.H. Craig Construction, LLC at 835 Wall Street, Florence, AL 35630.
B.H. Craig Construction, LLC
Notice of Completion
B.H . Craig Construction, LLC hereby gives notice of the completion of the contract with Jefferson County Environmental Services Dept. for Jefferson County UV Replacement & Miscellaneous Improvements at Turkey, Prudes Creek &Warrior WRF and has requested final payment. This notice will appear for four consecutive weeks beginning 2/06/2025 and ending on 2/27/2025. All claims against this work should be filed immediately with Krebs Engineering 2100 River Haven Drive, Suite 100,Birmingham, AL 35244 and B.H. Craig Construction, LLC at 835 Wall Street, Florence, AL 35630.
B.H. Craig Construction, LLC
VEHICLE – 1CB6SRFFT1LN309848 (2020 Dodge Ram)
AUCTION DATE March 11, 2025 at 10am
AUCTION ADDRESS – 111 4th St Birmingham AL 35217
Seller reserved the right to reject any bid and the right bid.
Sealed proposals will be received by Hoover City Schools, at their office at 1070 Buccaneer Drive, Hoover, AL 35244, at 2:00 PM, CDT Thursday, March 20th, 2025, for
PROJECT: Green Valley Elementary School Parking Lot Expansion
LOCATION: Hoover, Alabama
at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read. General Contractor’s License number and type must be on the envelope.
A cashier’s check or bid bond payable to Hoover City Schools, in an amount not less than five (5) percent of the amount of the bid, but in no event more than $10,000.00, must accompany the bidder’s proposal. Performance and Payment Bonds and evidence of insurance required in the bid documents will be required at the signing of the Contract.
Drawings and specifications may be examined at the office of the Engineer after February 10th, 2025.
Name of Engineer: MBA Engineers, Inc.
Name of Contact: Tom Callison, P.E.; Vicki Owens
Address: 300 20th Street North, Suite 100, Birmingham, Alabama 35203
Phone Number: (205) 323-6385; Fax Number: (205) 324-0698
General Contractor Bidders may obtain sets of drawings and specifications electronically through the Engineer. PDF copies of the plans and project manual may also be available upon request to the Engineer. Addenda and other bidding information will be issued via email only to holders of drawings and specifications distributed by the Engineer electronically. Release of the Bid Documents to the bidder does not imply acceptance of the bidder’s qualifications by the Owner or Engineer.
Bids must be submitted on proposal forms furnished by the Engineer or copies thereof. All bidders bidding in amounts exceeding that established by the State Licensing Board for General Contractors must be licensed under the provisions of Title 34, Chapter 8, Code of Alabama 1975, and must show evidence of license before bidding or bid will not be received or considered by the Engineer; the bidder shall show such evidence by clearly displaying his or her license number on the outside of the sealed envelope in which the proposal is delivered. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive technical errors if, in the Owner’s judgment, the best interest of the Owner will thereby be promoted.
Nonresident bidders must accompany any written Bid Documents with a written opinion of an attorney at law licensed to practice law in such nonresident bidder’s state or domicile, as to the preferences, if any or none, granted by the law of that state to its own business entities whose principal places of business are in that state in the letting of any or all public contracts.
Engineer’s Contact Information:
For inquiries regarding the Construction Documents, drawing distribution, administrative requirements, or deposits, contact MBA: Tom Callison–; Zach Fricks- ; Vicki Owens– (205)-323-6385
A Pre-Bid Conference will be held at the Hoover City Schools Offices located at 1070 Buccaneer Drive, Hoover, AL 35244, at 2:00 PM, CDT Thursday, March 6th, 2025. Attendance by the General Contractor Bidders is MANDATORY.
Awarding Authority:
Hoover City Schools
Matthew Wilson
MBA Engineers, Inc.
Tom Callison, P.E.
AGENCY CONTACT PERSON | Kozette Todd, Procurement Analyst Telephone: (205)521-0762
E-mail: TDD/TTY: 800-548-2546 |
2. Click on the “Login” button in the upper left side. 3. Follow the listed directions. 4. If you have any problems accessing or registering on the Marketplace, please call customer support at (866)526-9266. |
PRE-BID CONFERENCE | January 28, 2025, 3:00 PM CT |
DEADLINE TO SUBMIT QUESTIONS | February 10, 2025, 3:00 PM CT |
BID SUBMITTAL RETURN DEADLINE | February 18, 2025, 3:00 PM CT 1826 3rd
Avenue South, Birmingham, AL 35233 |
[Section 3, Minority- and/or women-owned businesses are encouraged to respond] |
PRE-QUALIFICATIONS PROPOSALS will be received via mail or email, on behalf of the Owner, the Jefferson County Commission, by BDG Architects at 2308 1st Ave S, Suite 304, Birmingham, AL 35233 for the below referenced project until noon Central Standard Time on Monday February 24, 2025, after which no further applications will be considered. The pre-qualification procedure is intended to identify responsible and competent bidders relative to the requirements of the Project. Pre-qualification proposal requirements may be obtained from the Architect by request via email to The Owner will be prequalifying the following categories of trades: General Contractors, Electrical Sub-Contractors, Mechanical Sub-Contractors, and Fire-Protection Sub-Contractors.
The scope of Work is renovations to two Group B, Type IA buildings. The project will occur in one phase. The scope of Work for one building is an approximately 2,500sf interior office renovation of an existing occupied office space within the Jefferson County Downtown Courthouse – Ground Floor. The scope of Work for the other building is, first, an approximately 4,635sf interior office renovation of a cold dark shell within the 2121 Building, 2121 Reverend Abraham Woods Jr Blvd, Birmingham, AL 35203 – 6th Floor. Second is exterior window replacement and RACM perimeter wall abatement on the 8th, 9th, and 10th floors, which are currently occupied but will be unoccupied during construction. Required trades under General Contractor’s Work will include but not be limited to electrical, mechanical, interior and exterior glazing, abatement, structured cabling, non-load bearing framing, and millwork.
Within the bounds of good faith, the Jefferson County Commission retains the right to determine whether a Contractor or Sub-Contractor has met pre-qualification procedures and criteria. Only General Contractors who have been approved to bid pursuant to pre-qualification procedures and criteria established by the Owner will be eligible to bid for the Project. Only Sub-Contractors for the above listed trades who have been approved pursuant to pre-qualification procedures and criteria established by the Owner will be eligible to provide General Contractors with bids for their applicable trade. Written pre-qualification procedures and criteria are available for review at the office of the Architect or by email listed above. All bidders must be licensed under the provisions of Title 34, Chapter 8, Code of Alabama, 1975.
In accordance with Chapter 1, Title 39, Code of Alabama, 1975, notice is hereby given that Southeastern Sealcoating, Inc ( Contractor), has completed the Contract for (Construction) (Renovation) (Alteration) (Equipment) (Improvement) of (Name of Project) Zone G2 Parking Lot at UAB for the State of Alabama (County ) ( City) of Birmingham Owners), and have made request for final settlement of said Contract. All persons having any claim for labor, materials, or otherwise in connection with this project should immediately notify UAB (Architect) Southeastern Sealcoating (Contractor) 1330 Adamsville Industrial Parkway (Business Address).
In accordance with Chapter 1, Title 39, Code of Alabama, 1975, as amended notice is hereby given that Willoughby Contracting Co., Inc., Contractor, has completed the Contract for Construction of 44th Pl N/13th Ave N P.04170 13th Ave N, 43rd St N, 12th Ave N,44th St N and 44th Pl N for the State of Alabama and Jefferson County, City of Birmingham and the Birmingham Water Works, owner, and have made request for the final settlement of said contract. All persons having any claim for labor, material, or otherwise in connection with this project should immediately notify Birmingham Water Works board (Architect/Engineer)
Willoughby Contracting Co., Inc.
2550 Cone Drive
Birmingham, Al 35217
P O Box 301463 (Zip 36130-1463)
1400 Coliseum Boulevard (Zip 36110-2400)
Montgomery, Alabama 36130-1463
(334) 271-7700
Account Code: 210
Jefferson County
Pursuant to the provisions of the Alabama Environmental Management Act, Ala. Code §§22-22A-1 to 22-22A-17, as amended, the Alabama Department of Environmental Management is proposing to issue a Consent Order to Crimson Oak Grove Resources, LLC, the owner/operator of a coal preparation plant, lime slaker plant and a sewage treatment facility in Hueytown, Jefferson County, Alabama.
The violations noted in the Consent Order consist of effluent limitation violations and failure to submit noncompliance notification reports.
The Department is proposing a civil penalty in the amount of $50,000. The Order, if issued, would require Crimson Oak Grove Resources, LLC to pay the Alabama Department of Environmental Management a civil penalty and to submit and implement a plan to eliminate the discharge of pollutants above permitted limits within a certain timeframe.
Interested persons may submit written comments, including request for a hearing, within 30 days of the publication date of this notice, to:
Alabama Department of Environmental Management
Attention Daphne Y. Lutz
Chief of the Water Division
P.O. Box 30l463
Montgomery, Alabama 36l30-l463
The comment period shall end at the close of business 30 days from the publication date of this notice. A copy of the proposed order is available on the ADEM web page at or may be obtained by written request to the above address. A nominal fee for copying may be charged.
This notice is hereby given this 13th day of February, 2025, by authorization of the Alabama Department of Environmental Management.
Lance R. LeFleur
Nondiscrimination Statement: The Department does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in the administration of its programs.
Bids will be received by the Jefferson County Commission and Purchasing Association of Central Alabama Purchasing Agent Michael D. Matthews, Ph.D., C.P.M., until 2:00 PM(CST) on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5TH, 2025, for proposed 37-25R “Road Milling Services”. All Solicitation information including forms, and specifications are available for download free at Interested parties must meet bidder requirements and qualifications as specified in the bid documents on or before the date that the bids are due.
A pre-bid conference will be held on Monday, March 3rd, 2025, at 10:30 AM CST via MICROSOFT TEAMS. Our office is located on the 8th Floor Suite 830 of the Jefferson County Main Courthouse. For special accommodations, please call 205-325-5381. All questions must be submitted in writing to attention Dorothea Robinson, Principal Buyer.
ITB# 32-25 “Groundskeeping Services”
Bids will be received by the Jefferson County Commission Purchasing Agent Michael D. Matthews, Ph.D., C.P.M. , until 4:00 (CST) p.m. on 3/12/2025, for “Groundskeeping Services”.
All Solicitation information including forms, and specifications are available for download free at
Interested parties must meet bidder requirements and qualifications as specified in the bid documents on or before the date that the bids are due.
All questions must be submitted in writing to
attention Dorothea Robinson.
A pre-bid conference will be held on Monday, March 3, 2025 at 9:30 am (CST) in Suite 830 of the Jefferson County Main Courthouse.
The City of Birmingham gives notice that sealed bids for the TWG – ADA Improvements Phase 2 (ENG # 2024-016) project will be received by the City Engineer in Room 220, City Hall, Birmingham, Alabama until 2:00 pm (CDT) on Wednesday, March 12, 2025, at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read in Conference Room 220, 2rd Floor City Hall, Birmingham, Alabama. The award of this Contract will be made pursuant to Alabama Code: 39-1-1, et seq. (Public Works)
The estimated primary Items of Work related to this project are:
ADA Curb Ramp – 30 EACH, Detectable Warning Mat Retrofit – 30 EACH, and minor Paver, Sidewalk, and Curb & Gutter work
Bid documents are open to public inspection in the Office of the City Engineer, Room 220 City Hall, 710 20th Street, North Birmingham, AL 35203.
Bid documents may be viewed and purchased through the City of Birmingham online plans room site at under the project name “TWG – ADA Improvements Phase 2”. Any cost for reproduction shall be the responsibility of bidders.
Prospective bidders are advised to check their source of bid documents frequently for any addenda to the bid documents. It is the bidder’s responsibility to bid on the correct set of bid documents.
Bids shall be accompanied by a cashier’s check drawn on an Alabama bank, or a bid bond executed by a surety company duly authorized and qualified to make such bonds in the State of Alabama, in an amount equal to 5% of the bid (subject to a maximum of $10,000) and payable to the City of Birmingham. Bid bonds of the three (3) lowest bidders will be held for a period of ninety (90) days unless bidders agree, in writing, to a longer period of time. No bid may be withdrawn after the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids and for a period of ninety (90) days thereafter.
A performance bond equal to 100% of the contract amount and a payment bond equal to 100% of the contract amount will be required of the successful bidder. Said bonds shall be executed by a surety company duly authorized and qualified to make such bonds in the State of Alabama.
Liability insurance certificates shall be required of the successful bidder and such certificates shall list the City of Birmingham, its officials, agents, and employees as additional named insured.
Only bids submitted by General Contractors licensed in the State of Alabama in accordance with Title 34, Chapter 8 of the Code of Alabama (1975 as amended) will be considered.
Bids shall be submitted in a sealed envelope marked “SEALED BID – TWG – ADA Improvements Phase 2”. Contractors shall write his or her State of Alabama general contractor’s license number and the name of the company submitting the bid on the outside of the sealed bid envelope.
The sealed bid envelope shall contain the following documents: (1) the Form of Proposal, (2) the Authorization to execute the Form of Proposal, (3) bid bond, (4) MBE/DBE Form A, Form C, and Form D, (5) a copy of the Contractor’s State of Alabama General Contractor’s License, and (6) Addendum Acknowledgement.
Special attention is called to the applicability of the Birmingham Plan-Construction Industry Program to this project. Under this Program the utilization of Minority Business Enterprises and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (“MBE/DBE”) is encouraged. The Construction Industry Authority establishes a system of floating MBE/DBE goals which may differ from year to year and project to project. Overall, these goals shall not be less than the historical participation of MBE/DBE’s in construction projects of the City and its agencies.
Bidders may contact the Birmingham Construction Industry Authority (BCIA) to request additional information about the required MBE/DBE forms by contacting the Executive Director, Birmingham Construction Industry Authority at 601 37th Street South, Birmingham, AL, 35222; telephone (205) 324-6202 or For federally funded contracts, the provisions of the President’s Executive Order 11246 and federal agency regulations requiring affirmative action to achieve employment and utilization of minority persons and businesses, and the Davis-Bacon Act provisions are applicable.
As a matter of public policy, the City of Birmingham agrees to make opportunities available to the maximum extent possible, to actively include Historically Underutilized Business Enterprises (HUBE’s) such as architectural firms, engineering firms, investment banking firms, other professional consultant services providers, and construction contractors as part of business, economic and community revitalization programs.
It is the bidder’s responsibility to make sure that the bid is in the possession of the City Engineer on or before 2:00 pm, March 12, 2025. Bids received after this time will not be considered. Bids can be dropped into the Bid Box located in Room 220 of City Hall or delivered to the City Engineer in Room 220 City Hall.
A MANDATORY PRE-BID CONFERENCE will be held on February 26, 2025, at 3:00 pm in Room 220 of City Hall.
The City of Birmingham reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any informality in any bid.
Project Number(s): P.04392
Capital Budget Number(s): 1D & 1E
Sealed Bids for a water main replacement project will be received by The Water Works Board of the City of Birmingham, System Development Department, 3600 First Avenue North, Birmingham, Alabama until 9:00 a.m. local time on Thursday, March 13, 2025. The Sealed Bids will be opened and read at 10:00 a.m. local time on Thursday, March 13, 2025, by System Development Department staff in the System Development Conference Room on the Second Floor of the Main Campus Building located at 3600 First Avenue, North in Birmingham, Alabama. Each Prospective Bidder will be able to listen to the Bid Opening via Microsoft Teams conference call [Number: 1-205-547-9028 / Conference ID: 422176240#]. Bids received after 9:00 a.m. local time on date aforementioned will be rejected and returned unopened.
The Work consists of, but is not limited to the installation of approximately 3,385’ of 8” DICL “Zinc Coated” pipe; 3,225’ of 6” DICL “Zinc Coated” pipe; 220’ of 4” DICL “Zinc Coated” pipe; and 101 water services and other miscellaneous associated items as necessary to complete the Work along 14th Avenue North; 3rd Street North; 13th Court North; 3rd Place North; 4th Place North; 15th Avenue West; 1st Street West; and 16th Avenue West located in the City of Birmingham, Alabama.
Bids shall be based on unit price items and lump sum items as indicated on the Bid Form (Section 00410).
Bidding Documents may be examined at the office of the Manager – System Development Department, The Water Works Board of the City of Birmingham, 3600 First Avenue, North, Birmingham, AL 35222.
Bidders may obtain one (1) complete set of Bidding Documents from the office of the Manager -System Development Department, The Water Works Board of the City of Birmingham. Partial sets of Bidding Documents will not be available to any Bidder. Neither the OWNER nor the ENGINEER will be responsible for full or partial sets of Bidding Documents, including any addenda, obtained from other sources. No Bidder may withdraw or alter his bid within ninety (90) calendar days after the actual date of the Bid Opening.
A Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be held at 10:00 a.m. local time on Thursday, February 27, 2025, in person in the Meter Department Conference Room, 1st Floor Main Office Building (3600 1st Avenue North). All Prospective Bidders are required to attend the Pre-Bid Conference. The purpose of the Pre-Bid Conference is to raise questions pertaining to the Bidding Documents and Contract Documents and for the OWNER or its representatives to clarify any points. Bids will NOT BE ACCEPTED from any Prospective Bidder who does not attend the Pre-Bid Conference via conference call. HUB Program Acknowledgement (HUB Form 1), HUB Compliance Form (HUB Form 2), HUB Resource Engagement Form (HUB Form 3), HUB Subcontractor Performance Form (HUB Form 5) and HUB Subcontractor Utilization Form (HUB Form 6) of Section 00451 HUB Program must be submitted at the Bid Opening as shown above.
Each Prospective Bidder is required to visit the site(s) at which the Work is to be performed. The OWNER will not conduct a site visit with the Prospective Bidders.
Each Bid shall be accompanied by a certified check or Bid Bond in the amount of five percent (5%) of the bid not to exceed $10,000.00 in the form and subject to conditions provided for in Section 00435, Bid Bond.
The Successful Bidder will be required to furnish a Performance Bond and a Labor & Material Payment Bond each in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Award.
Bidders shall comply with all statutory requirements in accordance with the Instruction to Bidders. Bids will only be received from CONTRACTORS who are licensed by the State of Alabama.
Contract time of commencement and completion will be in accordance with the Agreement.
The Water Works Board of the City of Birmingham (“BWWB”) has adopted a voluntary Historically Underutilized Business (“HUB”) Program designed to encourage the participation of HUB firms in construction projects. To that end, the BWWB will never exclude any firm from participation in, deny any person benefits of, or otherwise discriminate in connection with the award and performance of BWWB contracts based on social or economic status. Historically Underutilized Business (HUB): a business formed for the purpose of making a profit and is at least 51% owned, operated and/or controlled by one or more American citizens or permanent resident aliens who are a: Minority Business Enterprise (MBE); Women Business Enterprise (WBE); or Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) [herein sometimes collectively referred to as a HUB].
It is the intent of the BWWB to foster competition among contractors, suppliers and vendors that will result in better quality and more economical services for the BWWB. Under this program, the BWWB has established a goal of 30% participation of HUB firms for services required for BWWB construction projects. The BWWB’s stated goal will not be the determining factor in construction contract awards; rather bidders must demonstrate compliance with the Good Faith Efforts, more particularly outlined in the HUB Program, toward meeting said goal.
Failure on the part of a bidder to fully submit the information required herein may be considered by the BWWB in evaluating whether the bidder is responsive to bid requirements.
Alabama Code §31-13-9 (1975) provides that as a condition for the award of any Contract by The Water Works Board of the City of Birmingham (“BWWB”), a business entity or employer that employs one or more employees within the State of Alabama shall provide documentation of enrollment in the E-Verify program.
Each Prospective Bidder must complete Section 00200a Certification Regarding Debarment. The Certification must be complete in its entirety and must be included with the Prospective Bidder’s Bid (NO EXCEPTIONS).
Each Prospective Bidder must complete Section 00200b Certification Regarding Lobbying Restrictions. The Certification must be complete in its entirety and must be included with the Prospective Bidder’s Bid (NO EXCEPTIONS).
Each Prospective Bidder must complete Section 00200c Certification Regarding Civil Rights Obligations. The Certification must be complete in its entirety and must be included with the Prospective Bidder’s Bid (NO EXCEPTIONS).
Each Prospective Bidder must complete Section 00200d Certification Regarding EEO Requirements. The Certification must be complete in its entirety and must be included with the Prospective Bidder’s Bid (NO EXCEPTIONS).
Each Prospective Bidder must complete Section 00200e Certification Regarding AIS Requirements. The Certification must be complete in its entirety and must be included with the Prospective Bidder’s Bid (NO EXCEPTIONS).
Each Prospective Bidder must complete Section 00200f Certification Regarding Telecon and Video Requirements. The Certification must be complete in its entirety and must be included with the Prospective Bidder’s Bid (NO EXCEPTIONS).
Each Prospective Bidder must comply with Section 00452 Non-Discrimination Policy, while conducting business or participating in events or activities for the OWNER. Each Prospective Bidder shall maintain an environment free of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation at all times.
Each Prospective Bidder must read, understand, and adhere to the requirements of Section 00740 Wage Determination Schedule relative to the minimum prevailing wage rates mandated by the applicable state labor department or other authority having jurisdiction (NO EXCEPTIONS). Each Prospective Bidder is required to make sure his or her Subcontractor(s) understand the minimum prevailing wage rates for the work location.
Each Prospective Bidder must read and provide documentation relative to the “Request for Company Product and Service Information Letter” and complete the “EEO Report Form” document for the corporation, partnership, joint venture, etc. submitting a bid included at the end of the Section 00200 Instruction to Bidders. These two (2) items must be included with the Prospective Bidder’s Bid.
Each Prospective Bidder shall read and understand the Alabama Department of Revenue’s (ADOR’s) sales and use tax exemption policy pursuant to Act 2013-205 Section 1(g) [CONTRACTOR accounts for the sales tax not included in the Bid Form by submitting an Accounting of Sales Tax – Attachment to BWWB Bid Form]. Failure to provide an accounting of sales tax shall render the Bid non-responsive. Other than determining responsiveness, sales tax accounting shall not affect the bid pricing nor be considered in the determination of the lowest responsible and responsive bidder. After Notice of Award, Prime Contractor and Subcontractor(s) licensed by the State Licensing Board for General Contractors must comply with ADOR reporting requirements for the duration of the project. For further information see Section 00409, Alabama Department of Revenue-Sales and Use Tax Exemption, Section 00200 Instruction to Bidders (Article 33) and refer to paragraph 6.10 in the Supplementary Conditions.
If a Contract is to be awarded, it will be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible Bidder, who has neither been disqualified nor rejected pursuant to these Contract Documents, and whose Bid based on an evaluation by the OWNER indicates that the award will be in the best interest of the project and will result in the lowest overall cost to the OWNER for completion of the project. Unless extended by OWNER, a Contract will be awarded within ninety (90) calendar days after the day of the opening of Bids.
The OWNER reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, the right to waive irregularities or to accept any proposal deemed to be in the best interest of the OWNER.
The Water Works Board of the City of Birmingham
3600 First Avenue North
Birmingham, Alabama 35222
Primary Contact:
Mr. Mark Dolan, P.E.
Telephone: (205) 244-4219
Facsimile: (205) 244-4719
Secondary Contact:
Mr. Douglass W. Stockham, IV, P.E.
Telephone: (205) 244-4186
Facsimile: (205) 244-4686
Consultant Engineer:
CE Associates
Civil Engineering Associates, Inc.
5229 Messer Airport Highway
Birmingham, Alabama 35212
Primary Contact:
Chandra Abesingha, P.E.
Telephone: (205) 595-0401
Project Number(s): P.04393
Capital Budget Number(s): 1D & 1E
Sealed Bids for a water main replacement project will be received by The Water Works Board of the City of Birmingham, System Development Department, 3600 First Avenue North, Birmingham, Alabama until 9:00 a.m. local time on Thursday, March 13, 2025. The Sealed Bids will be opened and read at 10:15 a.m. local time on Thursday, March 13, 2025, by System Development Department staff in the System Development Conference Room on the Second Floor of the Main Campus Building located at 3600 First Avenue, North in Birmingham, Alabama. Each Prospective Bidder will be able to listen to the Bid Opening via Microsoft Teams conference call [Number: 1-205-547-9028 / Conference ID: 422176240#]. Bids received after 9:00 a.m. local time on date aforementioned will be rejected and returned unopened.
The Work consists of, but is not limited to the installation of approximately 695’ of 8” DICL “Zinc Coated” pipe; 3,650’ of 6” DICL “Zinc Coated” pipe; 1,730’ of 4” DICL “Zinc Coated” pipe; and 119 water services and other miscellaneous associated items as necessary to complete the Work along Linpark Drive; 46th Street South; Linwood Circle; Linwood Drive; 44th Place South; 47th Street South; 9th Avenue South; 47th Way South; 47th Place South; 48th Street South; 10th Avenue South; 43rd Place South; and 43rd Street South located in the City of Birmingham, Alabama.
Bids shall be based on unit price items and lump sum items as indicated on the Bid Form (Section 00410).
Bidding Documents may be examined at the office of the Manager – System Development Department, The Water Works Board of the City of Birmingham, 3600 First Avenue, North, Birmingham, AL 35222.
Bidders may obtain one (1) complete set of Bidding Documents from the office of the Manager -System Development Department, The Water Works Board of the City of Birmingham. Partial sets of Bidding Documents will not be available to any Bidder. Neither the OWNER nor the ENGINEER will be responsible for full or partial sets of Bidding Documents, including any addenda, obtained from other sources. No Bidder may withdraw or alter his bid within ninety (90) calendar days after the actual date of the Bid Opening.
A Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be held at 10:30 a.m. local time on Thursday, February 27, 2025, in person in the Meter Department Conference Room, 1st Floor Main Office Building (3600 1st Avenue North). All Prospective Bidders are required to attend the Pre-Bid Conference. The purpose of the Pre-Bid Conference is to raise questions pertaining to the Bidding Documents and Contract Documents and for the OWNER or its representatives to clarify any points. Bids will NOT BE ACCEPTED from any Prospective Bidder who does not attend the Pre-Bid Conference via conference call. HUB Program Acknowledgement (HUB Form 1), HUB Compliance Form (HUB Form 2), HUB Resource Engagement Form (HUB Form 3), HUB Subcontractor Performance Form (HUB Form 5) and HUB Subcontractor Utilization Form (HUB Form 6) of Section 00451 HUB Program must be submitted at the Bid Opening as shown above.
Each Prospective Bidder is required to visit the site(s) at which the Work is to be performed. The OWNER will not conduct a site visit with the Prospective Bidders.
Each Bid shall be accompanied by a certified check or Bid Bond in the amount of five percent (5%) of the bid not to exceed $10,000.00 in the form and subject to conditions provided for in Section 00435, Bid Bond.
The Successful Bidder will be required to furnish a Performance Bond and a Labor & Material Payment Bond each in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Award.
Bidders shall comply with all statutory requirements in accordance with the Instruction to Bidders. Bids will only be received from CONTRACTORS who are licensed by the State of Alabama.
Contract time of commencement and completion will be in accordance with the Agreement.
The Water Works Board of the City of Birmingham (“BWWB”) has adopted a voluntary Historically Underutilized Business (“HUB”) Program designed to encourage the participation of HUB firms in construction projects. To that end, the BWWB will never exclude any firm from participation in, deny any person benefits of, or otherwise discriminate in connection with the award and performance of BWWB contracts based on social or economic status. Historically Underutilized Business (HUB): a business formed for the purpose of making a profit and is at least 51% owned, operated and/or controlled by one or more American citizens or permanent resident aliens who are a: Minority Business Enterprise (MBE); Women Business Enterprise (WBE); or Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) [herein sometimes collectively referred to as a HUB].
It is the intent of the BWWB to foster competition among contractors, suppliers and vendors that will result in better quality and more economical services for the BWWB. Under this program, the BWWB has established a goal of 30% participation of HUB firms for services required for BWWB construction projects. The BWWB’s stated goal will not be the determining factor in construction contract awards; rather bidders must demonstrate compliance with the Good Faith Efforts, more particularly outlined in the HUB Program, toward meeting said goal.
Failure on the part of a bidder to fully submit the information required herein may be considered by the BWWB in evaluating whether the bidder is responsive to bid requirements.
Alabama Code §31-13-9 (1975) provides that as a condition for the award of any Contract by The Water Works Board of the City of Birmingham (“BWWB”), a business entity or employer that employs one or more employees within the State of Alabama shall provide documentation of enrollment in the E-Verify program.
Each Prospective Bidder must complete Section 00200a Certification Regarding Debarment. The Certification must be complete in its entirety and must be included with the Prospective Bidder’s Bid (NO EXCEPTIONS).
Each Prospective Bidder must complete Section 00200b Certification Regarding Lobbying Restrictions. The Certification must be complete in its entirety and must be included with the Prospective Bidder’s Bid (NO EXCEPTIONS).
Each Prospective Bidder must complete Section 00200c Certification Regarding Civil Rights Obligations. The Certification must be complete in its entirety and must be included with the Prospective Bidder’s Bid (NO EXCEPTIONS).
Each Prospective Bidder must complete Section 00200d Certification Regarding EEO Requirements. The Certification must be complete in its entirety and must be included with the Prospective Bidder’s Bid (NO EXCEPTIONS).
Each Prospective Bidder must complete Section 00200e Certification Regarding AIS Requirements. The Certification must be complete in its entirety and must be included with the Prospective Bidder’s Bid (NO EXCEPTIONS).
Each Prospective Bidder must complete Section 00200f Certification Regarding Telecon and Video Requirements. The Certification must be complete in its entirety and must be included with the Prospective Bidder’s Bid (NO EXCEPTIONS).
Each Prospective Bidder must comply with Section 00452 Non-Discrimination Policy, while conducting business or participating in events or activities for the OWNER. Each Prospective Bidder shall maintain an environment free of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation at all times.
Each Prospective Bidder must read, understand, and adhere to the requirements of Section 00740 Wage Determination Schedule relative to the minimum prevailing wage rates mandated by the applicable state labor department or other authority having jurisdiction (NO EXCEPTIONS). Each Prospective Bidder is required to make sure his or her Subcontractor(s) understand the minimum prevailing wage rates for the work location.
Each Prospective Bidder must read and provide documentation relative to the “Request for Company Product and Service Information Letter” and complete the “EEO Report Form” document for the corporation, partnership, joint venture, etc. submitting a bid included at the end of the Section 00200 Instruction to Bidders. These two (2) items must be included with the Prospective Bidder’s Bid.
Each Prospective Bidder shall read and understand the Alabama Department of Revenue’s (ADOR’s) sales and use tax exemption policy pursuant to Act 2013-205 Section 1(g) [CONTRACTOR accounts for the sales tax not included in the Bid Form by submitting an Accounting of Sales Tax – Attachment to BWWB Bid Form]. Failure to provide an accounting of sales tax shall render the Bid non-responsive. Other than determining responsiveness, sales tax accounting shall not affect the bid pricing nor be considered in the determination of the lowest responsible and responsive bidder. After Notice of Award, Prime Contractor and Subcontractor(s) licensed by the State Licensing Board for General Contractors must comply with ADOR reporting requirements for the duration of the project. For further information see Section 00409, Alabama Department of Revenue-Sales and Use Tax Exemption, Section 00200 Instruction to Bidders (Article 33) and refer to paragraph 6.10 in the Supplementary Conditions.
If a Contract is to be awarded, it will be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible Bidder, who has neither been disqualified nor rejected pursuant to these Contract Documents, and whose Bid based on an evaluation by the OWNER indicates that the award will be in the best interest of the project and will result in the lowest overall cost to the OWNER for completion of the project. Unless extended by OWNER, a Contract will be awarded within ninety (90) calendar days after the day of the opening of Bids.
The OWNER reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, the right to waive irregularities or to accept any proposal deemed to be in the best interest of the OWNER.
The Water Works Board of the City of Birmingham
3600 First Avenue North
Birmingham, Alabama 35222
Primary Contact:
Mr. Mark Dolan, P.E.
Telephone: (205) 244-4219
Facsimile: (205) 244-4719
Secondary Contact:
Mr. Douglass W. Stockham, IV, P.E.
Telephone: (205) 244-4186
Facsimile: (205) 244-4686
Consultant Engineer:
CE Associates
Civil Engineering Associates, Inc.
5229 Messer Airport Highway
Birmingham, Alabama 35212
Primary Contact:
Chandra Abesingha, P.E.
Telephone: (205) 595-0401
Owner retiring after 32 years
resort city with beautiful beaches
call or text 850-525-0789