by Tia Muhammad

Tropical summer holiday fashion concept – tanning woman on a wooden pier

Did you even know there was such a thing as being “healthier in the summer”? If not, hear it here first, because it’s true!

The summer is meant to be full of sunshine and good times, but who wouldn’t mind losing an inch or two while you’re at it? The heat and the sun naturally add value to our skin, senses, and body in several ways.

Check out six reasons why you’re going to be naturally healthier this summer, without even trying:

1. The Sun Helps You Feel More Awake & Energized

During the winter months, you produce excessive amounts of melatonin, the hormone responsible for making you tired. The lack of sunlight makes you feel sleepy and less productive.

However, when summer rolls around, melatonin levels go down and you’re naturally more awake and energized!

2. Summertime Encourages You To Go Out & Be Active

Winter is cold and often makes you want to stay inside all day to keep warm. The summer does the exact opposite.

Warm weather gives you more reasons to be active. You don’t have to put on a ton of layers to step outside, so it’s a lot easier to get dressed for a workout and go.

3. Better Mood

The sun signals your body and your brain to produce more serotonin, a hormone that makes you happy and improves your mood. You’ll be happier and able to enjoy your days without dealing with the wintertime blues.

4. Sunlight Elevates Stress & Promotes Good Bone Health

Sunlight gives your body a much-needed dose of vitamin D, which helps keep your bones

strong and healthy.

Being out in the sun signals the body to produce less of the stress hormone, which makes us less stressed and more able to enjoy the summer sun.

5. Better Heart & Lungs

The cold air makes it hard to breathe and decreases the amount of time people want to spend time outside.

On the other hand, that summertime, warm weather, and fresh crisp air just give you exactly what you need to get up and get going.

6. Warm Weather Lowers Blood Pressure

Cold temps constrict blood vessels, which makes your heart work harder to pump blood. Warm weather turns this around opening up the blood vessels and giving the heart a little break so it doesn’t have to work as hard.

No wonder everyone retires to warm and sunny destinations!

This post was originally published on this site