by Jessica Daniels

Summertime is prime time for the great outdoors, but that can mean new hazards for your eyes, one expert warns. However, these simple steps can help cut the risk, according to ophthalmologist Dr. Masih Ahmed, an assistant professor of ophthalmology at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.

Out in the Sun

This one has an easy fix: sunglasses. According to Dr. Ahmed, strong sunlight can lead to what’s known as pterygium, growths within the eye, and UV (ultraviolet) light has been linked to increased risks for early cataracts, worsened macular degeneration, and even cancer of the eyelid.

“When choosing the right sunglasses, make sure the lenses are 100% UV blocking, ideally wrapping around the face to avoid light protruding from the sides. UV-blocking sunglasses with full coverage over the eyes is key,” Dr. Ahmed said in a Baylor news release.

Polarized lenses can also help, as they cut down on glare, which is especially useful when you’re out on the water.

Tips for Choosing Sunglasses:

  • Look for 100% UV protection: Ensure your sunglasses block both UVA and UVB rays.
  • Wraparound styles: These offer better protection by blocking light from the sides.
  • Polarized lenses: These reduce glare, which is beneficial for driving or being near water.

Sunscreen and Your Eyes

The American Cancer Society recommends using a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher, reapplied at least every two hours. Wearing hats and long-sleeved shirts can also help, and seek out shade if possible.

“In warm temperatures where sweating is inevitable, find a sunscreen that does not run when you sweat to avoid getting it into the eyes,” Dr. Ahmed advises. “If sunscreen gets in your eye, rinse it out with sterile saline or fresh water to irrigate it. The irrigation process might be uncomfortable, but it will help wash out the sunscreen.”

Sunscreen Tips:

  • Choose sweat-resistant formulas: To prevent sunscreen from running into your eyes.
  • Reapply frequently: Especially after swimming or sweating.
  • Wear a hat: This provides extra protection for your eyes and face.

Swimming Dangers

A jump in a pool, lake, or the ocean is refreshing on a hot day, but bacterial, fungal, and other infectious dangers can lurk in the water. Your eyes’ best defense is swim goggles, according to Dr. Ahmed.

“There’s a risk of different microorganisms, specifically one that is difficult to treat called acanthamoeba, which is a parasite that can cause eye infections,” he says.

Still bodies of water, especially, can harbor such pathogens. Avoid opening your eyes underwater to help protect them.

“The eye is not great at fighting off different types of infections because it doesn’t have available blood supply to it,” Dr. Ahmed explains. “If you have scratches in the cornea, which can happen from dry eye or even rubbing your eye, one of those microorganisms can get into those cuts and lead to infection.”

And don’t wear contact lenses while swimming, he adds. Contact lenses absorb water and hold onto harmful microorganisms that cause infection. Contacts cause micro-abrasions in the eye, which facilitate infections.

Swimming Safety Tips:

  • Wear swim goggles: To protect your eyes from microorganisms.
  • Avoid opening eyes underwater: Especially in still bodies of water.
  • Avoid contact lenses: If you must wear them, use disposable ones that can be discarded soon after swimming.

Mowing and Other Lawn Care

A lawn mower can easily kick up pebbles and other debris that could severely injure the eye, Dr. Ahmed says. Wearing goggles while mowing can protect you from that danger.

Washing your hands after gardening is also advised because common plants like milkweed can irritate the eyes.

Lawn Care Safety Tips:

  • Wear protective goggles: When mowing or using other lawn equipment.
  • Wash your hands: After gardening to avoid transferring plant irritants to your eyes.

Diabetic Macular Edema

For individuals with diabetes, summer can pose additional risks to eye health, particularly concerning diabetic macular edema (DME). DME is a condition where fluid accumulates in the macula, the central part of the retina, leading to vision impairment.

Exposure to high temperatures and sunlight can exacerbate diabetes-related complications, including DME. If you have DME, it’s crucial to take extra precautions to protect your eyes.

Managing Diabetic Macular Edema in Summer:

  • Monitor blood sugar levels: Keeping blood sugar levels stable can help reduce the risk of DME.
  • Stay hydrated: Dehydration can worsen blood sugar control and affect eye health.
  • Regular eye exams: Frequent check-ups with an ophthalmologist can help detect early signs of DME and other diabetes-related eye conditions.
  • Protective eyewear: Wearing UV-blocking sunglasses can help reduce the strain on the eyes and protect against harmful UV rays.

By taking these simple precautions, you can enjoy the summer months while keeping your eyes safe from harm. Whether it’s wearing the right sunglasses, applying sunscreen carefully, using swim goggles, protecting your eyes during yard work, or managing diabetic macular edema, these steps can help ensure your eyes stay healthy all season long.

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