by Karen Heslop
Heartburn can be as common as it is unpleasant. It usually happens because your stomach acid gets backed up into your esophagus. The resulting burn can range from being uncomfortable to significantly painful. While several over-the-counter medications can help, it’s always good to know about home remedies. These can ease your discomfort without the worrisome side effects.
1. Ginger
It’s true that ginger is usually known for easing nausea and an upset stomach but some research shows that it can be helpful to ease the symptoms of heartburn as well. You can try it as a tea.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar
Though the research hasn’t confirmed it yet, some people say adding a teaspoon or two of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water can relieve heartburn.

3. Baking Soda
The sodium bicarbonate in baking soda can neutralize stomach acid to soothe heartburn. To get relief, try a teaspoon of the product in a glass of water.

4. Aloe Vera
The studies are early but there is some promise to drinking aloe vera juice to fight heartburn. You can make your own by blending a medium-sized piece of aloe vera or opt for juices on the shelf.

5. Papaya
Papayas contain papain that breaks down proteins easily and has been shown to ease heartburn. It’s best to eat the fruit to get the most of the benefits.

6. Ripe Bananas
As a potassium-rich fruit, bananas can neutralize your stomach acid. As with the papayas, you’re better off eating the fruit.

7. Peppermint
A cup of peppermint tea can relax the sphincter between your esophagus and stomach. By drinking it, you can allow the stomach acid to return to its source.

8. German Chamomile
No studies link German chamomile with heartburn relief directly but experts estimate that its sedative and anti-inflammatory properties may reduce stress. Without stress, you reduce your likelihood of developing heartburn.

9. Turmeric
There’s a lot that still needs to be investigated about turmeric. Based on its anti-inflammatory properties, it may ease the symptoms of heartburn.

10. Licorice Root
Studies suggest that licorice root increases mucus production, which can protect your esophagus from heartburn.

11. Honey
Honey may be better known for soothing a sore throat but some recent studies suggest that it may also ease heartburn symptoms.

12. Ginseng
Though more research needs to be done, it’s possible that American ginseng may reduce the inflammation that is caused by heartburn.

13. Caraway
Consuming carraway may be effective for soothing heartburn – especially if it’s combined with peppermint.

14. Citrus Essential Oil
According to some limited research, the limonene in citrus essential oil can effectively ease heartburn symptoms. You can likely use it in a tea.

15. Marshmallow Root
While more research is necessary, marshmallow root can help to protect your stomach from heartburn damage. It’s available as a tea, liquid tincture, or capsule.
How to Prevent Heartburn
When it comes to heartburn, preventing the problem is typically better than trying to soothe it. Fortunately, there are a few simple ways to ensure that you don’t have to deal with it. The first place to start is watching what you eat. Certain foods are common triggers for heartburn so it’s best to avoid them. Some of the possible offenders are spicy, fried, or greasy foods. Acidic foods like citrus fruits and tomatoes can set off heartburn, too. You should also leave foods that contain caffeine, alcohol, chocolate, or mint alone. For some people, sweets and hot meals are other triggers.
Another possible trigger for heartburn is overeating or eating too quickly. If there’s too much food in the stomach or you don’t eat slowly, you may overwhelm your digestive system. To overcome this, experts recommend that you practice what’s known as mindful eating. This kind of eating is comprised of pausing before eating to determine why you’re eating, focusing on your meal, and eating slowly. The aim is not to eat for any other reason than that you’re hungry and to stay away from distractions like your phone or the television that can make it hard for you to realize how much you’ve eaten.
Sleeping well can also be useful in preventing heartburn. You shouldn’t go to bed within three hours of having a large meal as your stomach is likely still digesting it. Before sleeping, elevate your head as much as is comfortable. Sleeping on your left side can also reduce the likelihood of heartburn because it keeps your stomach below your esophagus.
While intermittent stress is usually fine, chronic stress can wreak havoc on your body – including your digestive system. If you’re always stressed out, practicing stress management techniques like deep breathing, meditation, and calming hobbies can help.
Finally, wearing tight clothing can trigger heartburn – especially if it puts pressure on your waist or stomach. If you’re used to wearing tight clothes, it may be a good idea to try a more relaxed fit to see if you have fewer bouts of heartburn.
When to Talk to Your Doctor
Usually, heartburn isn’t cause for concern. However, there are times when chronic heartburn can be a sign of something more serious. You should let your doctor know if you’ve been dealing with heartburn symptoms more often or if they’ve become more severe. Some of the other issues you need to tell them include having difficulty swallowing, pain when you swallow, nausea, vomiting, a chronic cough, a feeling of choking, and a feeling of a lump in your throat.
If you vomit blood or black material, deal with black or bloody bowel movements, have worsening asthma symptoms, are always wheezing, or are constantly hoarse, then you should let your doctor know. Terrible heartburn that causes unexplained weight loss or that persists even after taking over-the-counter or prescription medication should also be investigated. Finally, if you have chest pain that is accompanied by neck pain, shortness of breath, weakness, an irregular pulse, sweating, and pain that spreads to the neck, jaw, arms, or legs, there might be something wrong with your heart.
When going to your doctor, it’s good to have some information about your symptoms so they know what you’re dealing with. Some of the things you can track include how often you get heartburn, what the symptoms are, if the symptoms seem to be triggered by anything specific, and which medications or home remedies you have tried to manage your symptoms. You should also let them know if you’re having any other health issues even if they seem unrelated to heartburn.
Anyone can get heartburn and it may affect everyone differently. If you’re looking for some natural ways to manage the symptoms, then these home remedies are the way to go. However, you should talk to your doctor if the symptoms get worse or you start to have the problems detailed above.